Find projects which involve implementing, adopting or adapting a digital system for the benefit of people. This could also include digitising an existing process.
Find projects which involve implementing, adopting or adapting a digital system or process for the benefit of people.
This could also include digitalising an existing process.
Click on the below links to explore different projects.
Using digital technology to aid sustainability – a transition from paper discharge letters to email correspondence.
The aim of this project is to implement a central booking process for MSK Physiotherapy staff within NHSGG&C to book onto and monitor attendance at the Foundation In-Service Training.
To create a method of viewing all new and review patients throughout the acute medical OT team in one digital system by January 2024.
Ensure by May 2024 a new efficient, streamlined ionising radiation medical recall management system is in place capturing 100% of staff identified as requiring ongoing monitoring.
My aim is to implement a new Calls Handling Platform for Hanover Telecare that will allow us to provide a quicker and more efficient route to monitoring digital telecare alarms and other TEC devices.
By October 2024 the Orthodontic Department at FVRH will be paper-free with all clinical documentation used by clinicians captured digitally. This is in alignment with Realistic Medicine philosophy of reducing waste and improving sustainability.
To take the HSE medical process from being paper based electronic within NHS Lothian using the Occupational Health system to make it smoother and quicker for everyone that is required to use it both in NHS Lothian and external clients.
By November 2024, 95% of inpatients discharged from Critical Care following a stay in ICU in NHS Ayrshire & Arran will have their summary information and follow up plan recorded electronically.
The aim of this project is to offer a replacement system to the current fax transfer of patient records to Health Boards when there is a system failure within NHS24 that does not allow for the use of Adastra/ CRM to transfer the records.
The aim of this project is to familiarise and transition the Radiology Department to Microsoft 365.
The goal is for 80% of selected Medical Devices to be tagged within a year of the project commencement date.
Implementation of a digital shared vehicle (pool car) booking system to enable eligible NHS Borders staff to view availability, book then use vehicles that are based at health centres and community hospitals.
By September 2024, achieve a 50% increase in digital referrals from other Health Professionals to the Oral Health Team reaching more patients in need of oral care.
The aim is to reduce the demand on existing care at home services and enhance the use of medication prompting devices and other assistive technologies to promote greater independence for the clients of West Lothian Council, by the end of 2024.
To enable parents to complete and submit the questionnaire digitally. This would improve compliance and be easier for parents and would allow us to view the completed questionnaire prior to the appointment.
Undertake testing of Health & Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019 guidance to provide a baseline status for Pharmacy Services by April 2024.
Improve the patient journey when calling The Emergency Dental Service by October 2024.
By March 2024, a digital Palliative Care Cancer Summary (PCCS) to improve communications between Secondary Care and Primary Care, will be implemented by the Clinical Nurse Specialists in 4 pilot cancer tumour groups for patients who have a best...
The project aimed to rollout the Digital Clinical Notes component of an electronic patient record for the dental specialties of Oral Surgery and Oral Medicine by April 2024.
Identify a flexible, scalable and agile digital development platform to meet end to end business requirements by July 2024.
A standardised Nursing Handover solution for shift-to-shift handovers using MS Teams will be piloted in Raigmore Hospital by August 2024.This will assist the Service in NHS Highland with identifying and qualifying their requirements for improved...
The aim of this project is to pilot a transition from paper-based ordering to electronic ordering of medicines from pharmacy on 4 wards (3, 24, 26 & 70) at the Western General Hospital.
By end of March 2024, we will introduce a visual digital system within CEPOD theatres to accurately display essential information to the multidisciplinary team utilising the service, completely replacing the reliance on paper for this system.
Homeless applicants will have easier access to online housing services and there will be a reduction in non-bidders for properties advertised by March 2025.
By November 2023 electronic care and comfort rounding will be utilised by adult inpatient ward A32 with 80% of patients receiving 6 visits per day.
To develop a Quality Improvement (QI) database by July 2024 for the recording of all NHS Grampian QI projects.
By the end of January 2024, complete feasibility study for the use of RayStation ‘Deep Learning Segmentation’ to assist Organs at Risk (OARs) contouring for Radiotherapy patient plans, to help reduce contouring time for Consultants and Radiographers.
The aim of this project was to undertake a period of discovery to identify the necessary steps required to align NHS Scotland’s new PACS solution username formats to be compatible with NHS Scotland’s Active Directory infrastructure and implement...
Change all paper based medical record keeping to digital notes in the surgical high dependency unit at Ninewells Hospital by February 2024.
By August 2024 The process of recording competency and PGD sign off for vaccinations (hard copy PGD’s still require to be signed) will be transformed from paper self-declaration forms to a more robust digital solution which will automatically...
By 2027, all (33k) users should be migrated to Office 365 across NHS Lothian.
Remove all paper-based processes at single staff member manned offices to allow removal off unnecessary hardware and infrastructure increasing staff's productivity and office space for more pleasant working environments.
By June 2024, run a three month test of change (TOC), introducing digital direct-access online platform (eConsult), to engage citizens with the MSK direct-access platform to reduce patients requiring MSK assessment with a primary care practitioner...
To replace multiple aging and disconnected electronic health care systems with one a single platform for every citizen in Northern Ireland.
The aim of the 6 month (March to September 2023) pilot was to test out the use of a digital Operational Service User Review form with 17 managers across the city to gain data on how this improved compliance, efficiently, quality and timescales for...
By January 2024 all inpatient Occupational Therapy (OT) teams at WGH, RIE & SJH will be able to receive OT referrals, manage their caseloads and extract OT service data from TrackCare.
By July 2024, dental practices in NHS Grampian will have the opportunity to digitally upload practice inspection related documentation to allow pre inspection checks to be carried out.
I will acquire a digital scanner and get it in use by 30/1/24.
To identify Care Experienced pregnant individuals at the time of their midwifery booking appointment.
Our aim was to use quantitative and qualitative data to guide the implementation and continuous improvement of an e-referral system across the Health Board.
To reduce archived paper records through digitalisation within Ark Housing Association. Ark aim to reduce the archived paper records to zero within 18 months of the commencement of digitalised records. A pilot area was to be identified to review...
95% of student immunisation profiles available externally via the eOPAS online portal by university healthcare students and key School contacts by 20th February 2024.
The primary goal of this improvement project is to enhance the integration between the Hospital Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration (HEPMA) system and the Core Discharge Document (CDD) software in NHS Grampian hospitals. The focus...
Implement digital outpatient appointment letters across all secondary care services by December 2025.
To instate a relevant and easily accessible archive of historical programme documentation by 31 March 2024.
The specific aim of the project is to provide a MSK AI digital platform to Lanarkshire patents. Our aim is to reduce waiting times, reduce pressures on primary/secondary care. Finally, to increase the capacity of the physiotherapy service to see...
This project aims to simplify our technology offering and give people the tools and training they need to use Microsoft 365 (MS365) effectively. We hope to increase consistency of use across the charity by creating clear expectations and a...
The Unified Communications project sought to replace the various pager systems across NHS Lothian by 2027 with a secure digital alerting and messaging solution in the form of an app, accessible from a range of devices including mobile handsets.
By October 2024 Birthlink will implement an online membership model encompassing quality content for corporate, professional and individual members.
As part of NHS Tayside’s digital strategy we are introducing an electronic observations package across all inpatient areas by the end of March 2024. This work will provide assurance that NHS Tayside meet National standards for NEWS2 frequency and...
To have 100% of all booked agency staff within NHS Tayside arriving on shift within Perth Royal Infirmary with access to the basic IT Suite on Staffnet. This in inline with the NHS Tayside Digital Health and Social Care Strategy 2022-2027.
By March 2024, all patients identified for rehabilitation at Glenmore Unit in Coathill Hospital from Care of the Elderly wards at University Hospital Monklands will have a clear rehabilitation goals identified prior to transfer.
My aim is to move manual MUST Step 5 paperwork in all NHSGGC Care Homes to a digital version that can be sent directly and instantly to the dietetic service generic email box. Eliminate the need to use the postal service, reduce lost paperwork as...
A digital solution for inter service communications from the Podiatry service to GPs and other specialist services within NHS Tayside utilising the existing SCI-Gateway/TrakCare system by Dec 2023.
By March 2024, 80% of locations completing 12-lead ECG across both primary and secondary care will have the capability to upload the ECG tracing to a digital repository. This is to ensure clinicians can access essential patient information, when...
By the end of August 2023, 5% of patients that are self- referring to Rheumatology AHP Rheumatology services will have done so using a digital system.
By December 2023, all external parties should be able to apply for secure access the correct NHS Forth Valley system, service, or network in a timely manner, whilst ensuring the Health Boards stays within compliance of the NIS directives.
To reduce the current clearance time for the Occupational Health (OH) aspect of pre-employment/recruitment process by 50% (by September 2023) and make better use of Nurses’ time to focus on other priorities and improve job satisfaction.
To work with the key stakeholders to streamline the processes associated with ‘Out of Area referrals’ to reduce single person reliance, monitor the decision making process, and remove waste in the system in order to ensure compliance with...
95% of patients referred to Rheumatology OT, with work related issues, will be offered early intervention using the Florence Simple Telehealth text messaging system, by October 2023, in line with the EULAR strategic objectives for 2023, which aims...
The AMH Psychology Service will create and utilise electronic patient records (and not create paper records) using the Morse system for 95% of all new patients by July 2023.
By May 2023 95% of Renfrewshire care at home services within identified areas receive a nutritional assessment using a validated tool in line with Health Improvement Scotland Food, Fluid and Nutritional Care Standards (2014) that can be accessed...
The introduction of digital hand held devices for district nursing teams across Perth and Kinross will embrace digital ways of working for the teams and improve patient care and safety by enabling real-time digital patient documentation to occur.
To use simple QR codes to track infusion devices in use in the community and develop a digital system to have visibility of the location of these devices. By the end of April 2023 this project will have tested the usability of implementing a...
Encompass is Health and Social Care Northern Ireland (HSCNI) wide digital transformation of health and social care services across five Trusts responsible for delivering health care services. It will replace multiple aging ICT systems and the...
By March 2024 the Oral Health Service aim to be capturing electronic signatures which would be of great benefit to patient care, health care staff and service resources.
To successfully roll out an electronic controlled drug register within our hospital pharmacy department, before expanding to outlying wards/hospitals in the region resulting in vast time savings as well as improving controlled drug governance.
The DLP project aim is to create an online reporting system for racist and discrimination incidents in NHS Grampian that is accessible and easy to use by staff, students, patients and members of the public. The online tool will provide immediate...
By April 2024, a co-designed digital solution for ordering, paying for and billing meals across all five very sheltered housing complexes in Aberdeen will be identified and implemented. This will bring equity to tenants across all five sites, and...
By March 2024 all of the TEC systems that are obsolete in Balnagask Court will be upgraded to systems that increase reliability and improve the quality of care provided through taking advantage of current technology
To improve clinician experience of using the Community Equipment Service by streamlining all referral routes through one digital platform by 1st May 2023 by development and integration of clinical forms for requesting equipment.
Cohort 17 - Digital Training System - Gillian Anderson
Cohort 17 - Development Project - Elizabeth Dick
Digitization of Orthodontic patient records (existing analogue i.e.hardcopy) as a key step-change forming part of the transfer of the current dental department at Perth Royal Infirmary (PRI) to a new location at Broxden Dental Centre,...
The Digital Health and Care Leadership Project I have implemented into Edinburgh’s District Nursing service is still currently underway. The project itself has been immensely rewarding and has expanded my knowledge and insight into leading change,...
Automation Finder, an artificial intelligence based software developed by NICE Systems Ltd., works in the background of a user’s desktop to identify repetitive and time-consuming tasks carried out by staff that could potentially be automated. Our...
Aim- To introduce a Single Point of Access or SPA referral system women would be able to register for maternity care via a web link or QR code allowing 24/7 access to the Central Booking System. The development of a Maternity webpage to allow...
This Project started in January 2021. The main objective is to enable Central Legal Office staff to progress work from anywhere with no specific delays and on any type of device (mobile, tablet or desktop). Two Phases of this Project (Discovery...
I have researched different appointment platforms. The research has given me an insight into what attracts service users and what the platforms can offer. I was able to make an app within one of the platforms with less time and money spent on it....
To introduce an interface between BadgerNet (electronic maternity record) and the CTG (cardiotocograph) monitors used to monitor foetal heart rate in the intrapartum period. The recordings will then be stored digitally within the record and will...
The community dietetic service in NHS Lanarkshire are moving to digital ways of working for referral and appointment management, and patient records. To facilitate this, regular meetings are held between the project lead and eHealth and a task and...
I chose to develop an APP for Care Home Staff throughout Ayrshire as my project. During the pandemic, there has been so much information sent to the care home sector, mainly through email and unfortunately due to the limited IT infrastructure...
Implementation of a HEPMA system across NHS Fife was the improvement project that I outlined at the beginning of DLP Cohort 16. Despite significant delays to the rollout and implementation of this system due to unforeseen challenges at the...
To create a digital solution that will allow for both the capture and storage of red alarms/events within the coronary care unit (CCU). This improvement would allow for real time review of alarms (including from remote locations) and instigate...
My original stakeholder engagement project for the implementation of a Hospital Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration System (HEPMA) required to be changed due to procurement delays. Instead I focused on finding a digital solution...
The implementation of HEPMA to the six boards of NHS Scotland North remains in its planning stage. Projected time for Go Live is January 2023 to ensure a safe, measured and well rehearsed roll out. It has become very clear that staff engagement,...
Capability Scotland had no unified approach to Case Management, nor a holistic picture of Customer and Learner details and experience across Scotland. My intention for this project was to develop a business case for the organisation to invest in a...
The implementation and roll out of Hospital electronic prescribing and medicines administration (HEPMA) for NHS Highland was the main focus of my project. This project includes several smaller projects to enable HEPMA to be delivered to the...
My project aimed to reduce the overhead of completing diagnostic scanner quality assurance whilst simultaneously improving this process. Specifically, we changed from a model where staff needed to go the scanner data, to a model where the data can...
Transitioning Adult Social Services Supported Living daily administrative and health monitoring processes onto Microsoft Teams. Improving accessibility for frontline staff and managers to have insight and oversight for the people we support. This...
The information alert module is a development to build upon existing in cab technology which will autolook up a patients ECS/KIS record using details passed during a 999 call and provide an audio/visual alert to the crew. This alert will be...
This project aimed to integrate the use of digital screening within a new service to screen individuals who had been hospitalised with Covid-19 and identify those who subsequently required intervention for their mental health. Pre implication...
Cohort 15 - Utilising Digital Formats to Connect - Claire Stevenson
As the COVID-19 pandemic evolved, telephone lines were set up to deal with calls relating to health protection, tests and results, contact tracing and vaccination. Staff supporting these functions work from an NHS base, or remotely, or a...
Safety planning is an essential intervention in the care of the suicidal patient however at present this intervention is delivered on paper. This project aimed to introduce a digital method of creating and delivering the safety planning...
The project Involved collaboration with IT services and MSK Team to develop Digital forms to collect and store patient information, allow data collection and Audit, and ensure improved patient safety with real time access to patient records. The...
Many community AHP staff were working from home for significant periods of time as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. This rapid change to working practices was accompanied with the rollout of Microsoft (MS) Teams and Office 365 (O365). My project...