Find out about past participant digital improvement projects and the impact these have had on services as well as insights into individual leadership journeys. Please be aware that each project presentation is owned by the individual cohort participant as is not copyrighted to NES.
Implementing or adapting a digital system or process
Find projects which involve implementing, adopting or adapting a digital system or process for the benefit of people. This could also include digitalising an existing process. Projects range across various systems which exist across health and social care, from electronic prescribing, telephone systems to electronic care records.
Staff education and resources
Find projects which involve digital solutions for staff education. These projects focus on creative ways to deliver learning, from remote mentoring to taking learning resources online.
Service user education and resources
Find projects which involve digital solutions for service user education. This theme encompasses some projects where patients are given opportunities to self-manage their condition using the support provided. Some projects also relate to increasing the digital skills of service users.
Using data for improvement
Find projects which focus on harnessing data to improve services and outcomes for people. This could be using data that currently exists and ensuring that teams factor the it into decision-making processes, presenting it in a user-friendly format or perhaps using data to make predictions about the future needs of people.
Virtual group work
Find out more about projects involving group work with patients/service users/citizens delivered on virtual platforms. These projects navigate through the important considerations of bringing groups of patients or service users into a virtual space.
Virtual consultations and appointments
Find out more about projects involving virtual consultations and appointments using platforms such as Near Me. These projects might involve introducing technology in this way for the first time into a service or setting the direction and providing guidance around future use of virtual appointments. Some projects look at new and innovative ways to use make virtual appointments more engaging and effective for patients or service users.
Remote health pathways / Connect Me
Find out more about projects involving remote health pathways. This is where technology is used to monitor service users outside of a clinical setting, providing people more choice and greater flexibility to receive, record and send relevant information about their current health and wellbeing.