Find projects which involve digital solutions for staff education.
Find projects which involve digital solutions for staff education.
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To use a health promotion approach to raise awareness of our Human Rights Principles in Digital Health and Social Care with ALLIANCE members, to gather evidence on how they can be used in shaping good practice at a strategic, service and...
To provide training for common IT packages used within the service for all staff that require it as well as creating increased awareness of IT training already available in commonly used Microsoft packages for staff by June 2024.
We will develop a web page accessible to the public, providing information and self-referral details on the Primary Care Occupational Therapy service. We aim to have the phase 1 of this completed by December 2024.
By November 2024 the NHS GG&C’s Digital Therapies team will have reduced the number of patients being inappropriately referred to the service. This will be achieved through developing a video which increases referrer knowledge of how to refer,...
The project will support the development of an NHS Highland Digital Skills and Knowledge Framework and the broader NHS Highland's Digital Delivery Plan, through the research, development and the pilot of a digital training needs analysis template...
This project will ensure that all signed off RIBA stage 3 MRP departmental designs are uploaded to a dedicated internal NHS Lanarkshire web page allowing the latest designs to be available in no more than 3 clicks for colleagues to view and become...
By July 2024, aim to improve DaS staff awareness and understanding of the new Clinical Governance Framework due to be published through the delivery of education resource pilot. This would prepare for large scale development across NSS.
A Sharepoint site will be built and populated with content. It will provide all the relevant information and resources for stakeholders engaging with a national digital delivery programme. This will be the main channel of communication and point...
By July 2024, all services within the Women, Children & Families (WCF) Directorate have reached the minimum 90% compliance target across NHS Tayside's 7 core mandatory training modules.
75% of health and social care practitioners report more confidence supporting people to be digitally included by July 2024.
For all AHP staff within NHS Borders to have improved access to up-to-date digital resources for use when working with people living with dementia within in all AHP services. Allowing them to signpost to other services or provide leaflets /...
To create a digital space that focusses on the Building Digital Skills programme and associated workstreams. To increase awareness of the DEW Team and opportunities on offer for key stakeholders and the workforce across Scotland's health and care...
By July 2024, 100% of service users admitted to Intermediate Care will be offered the opportunity to engage with the Empower for LIFE project.
I aim to digitise these documents, have them clinically reviewed and stored in a more accessible and updatable digital location/format by the end of 2023.
The aim is to improve staff’s digital confidence and skills which will positively impact compliance with statutory and mandatory learning and effective personal development planning which will, in turn, improve patient care.
Those undertaking evaluation in the NMAHP Directorate will feel supported and confident in the development and continuation of their evaluations by June 2024, through a peer review process introduced in the Directorate.
By December 2023, an enhanced series of digital training resources will be available to Community Nursing Teams in Aberdeen to provide the knowledge and skills required to ensure safe, accurate and effective digital record keeping on Morse.
By June 2024, all care home staff in Edinburgh, will be able to access a digital tool which supports their decision making, and improves confidence to effectively prevent and manage postural care needs for care home residents.
The aim of this project is to increase the knowledge and understanding of the CAD design software for the Straumann digital scanners & Formlabs 3D printer by the technical staff within the Prosthodontics Laboratory at the Glasgow Dental Hospital.
By the end of February 2024, care home staff will have access to physiotherapy advice and education via the Care home information portal on the NHS Ayrshire and Arran app.
To improve our activity regarding co-production and co-design, 95% of clinical service leads will engage with the patient experience volunteers to recruit patients, family members or carers to join a virtual patient experience group by March 2024.
By March 2024, All NHS Highland Community Mental Health Teams will be able to digitally access evidence-based information provided by the Personality Disorder Service to aid clinical decision making and increase the use of the Integrated Care...
By 31 October 2023, 30% of staff within the OPMH wards at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital and the Lothian Hospital Based Complex Clinical Care units will have accessed the digital learning resource for Arts for Relationship Building to support the...
The objective for this project was to create an e-learning module on Learnpro, to support access to an online resource on the understanding of Spiritual care by August 2023.
Implementation of a digital self-directed tour within NHSGGC acute Hospital sites, utilising 3d digital twin, for undergraduate medical students entering medicine placements, at Queen Elizabeth University hospital, by end of placement, Dec 2023...
By end of April 2024, the District Nursing (DN) service within NHS Ayrshire and Arran will have launched a website which will provide public with service information, increasing DN digital footprint by 30%.
By April 2027, all NHS Lanarkshire staff using clinical guidelines in their day-to-day work will have access to the right information and tools at the right time from a single source of truth (a single and user-friendly platform) at the right place.
By November 30th 2023, I will have developed a curated package of learning and development resources to aid managers and staff on AfC (Agenda for Change) contracts in the Appraisal process, accessible through Sharepoint via NHS Grampian's Learning...
By the end of 2023, frontline Scottish Ambulance Service staff will have access to a TURAS e-learning module to improve their care and confidence regarding palliative and end of life patients.
To increase the awareness of digital support available to the NHSGGC Public Heath workforce by 30% by 31st October 2023.
By October 2023 the Care Home Collaborative will increase our website views by 75% in line with the Scottish Government Health Care Framework 2022.
To achieve our goal of establishing the current status of where the department were digitally, what systems/platforms were being used and to what degree. We want to establish a starting point in streamlining training if necessary and ensuring that...
By May 2023, test and develop digital systems as means of virtual training that Care Home staff and associated Health Care Professionals will have access to that we will be able to upscale to all care homes in Greater Glasgow and Clyde.
Increase the registration and completion of Tayside NMAPH NPQs undertaking the Flying Start programme by 40% for the 2023-2024 cohort. The NPQs will be provided with various digital resources and virtual support to enable engagement and completion...
To develop an online ophthalmic training programme via Learnpro whilst also increasing digital confidence of colleagues by December 2023.
By June 2023, there will be a 25% increase in the number of staff within NHS Ayrshire and Arran who have a Quality Improvement foundation level qualification. This is in alignment with the Ayrshire and Arran Quality Strategy – building QI...
To increase the number of departments using the RDS platform to support junior doctors’ clinical decision making by at least one by August 2023.
To create a digital learning resource to use by practitioners involved in the care of Central Venous Access Devices by December 2023 to fit with the educational priorities identified by NES.
By end December 2023 we will review, improve, and move the NES hosted shared online community of practice for health visitors and school nurses in Scotland to a more sustainable and accessible digital platform.
The primary aim was to develop a website for the use of orthopaedic trainees based in South East of Scotland. The secondary aim was to investigate the usefulness and sustainability of this website in the long term.
The 2011 NHS Scotland Information Governance Competency Framework needs to be updated to reflect changes in the Information Governance (IG) landscape and in technology. The National IG Programme, through this project, will produce a high quality,...
To ensure communication within the mental health occupational therapy service is dynamic, up to date and timely to ensure staff are able to carry out their roles and responsibilities safely, effectively, efficiently and to a high quality.
For 50 staff in Services for Children, Young People & Families to have access to training, support and resources, on a digital platform, to enable them to provide easy read information for the families that they work with, by the end of April 2023.
My DLP project aim was to develop and implement an IT Training/Support Suite based in DGRI for new and existing NHS staff to access training materials, complete mandatory courses and to attend one to one or group training sessions to upscale their...
Develop a collaborative approach to co-design and implement a strategic approach to digital exclusion across the Dumfries and Galloway Partnership, forming links with Third Sector, Communities and Community Partners to ensure the implementation of...
At Carr Gomm, we support people who are at significantly increased risk of digital exclusion including people experiencing homelessness, people who communicate in non-traditional ways, and people living with moderate to severe mental health...
The SAS M365 Champions network has been created to increase awareness, skills and knowledge within the Microsoft 365 suite of products. This network has been created for all Scottish Ambulance Service staff and will be handed over to BAU by August...
With the increase in ehealth systems within NHSGGC, I decided to look at the process for student nurses and midwifes getting access to these systems. With students coming from multiple Universities, I felt it was important to streamline the...
During the course of the last eight months, I have worked on raising the profile of Technology Enabled Care within East Renfrewshire’s Health and Social Care Partnership. Visiting a number of Multi-Disciplinary Teams at various sites across the...
NHS Lanarkshire began to roll out ‘MORSE’ clinical system in community teams in 2020.The benefits of the MORSE system means staff can view and record their findings within the Electronic Patient Record (EPR) accessed via an iPad, within a live...
My project aim was to digitise the Renfrewshire Nutrition Training Programme for staff and the DLP course became the vehicle for it. I chose to do a test of change on the Healthy Eating session. As a dyslexic, I knew I couldn’t just provide a...
Alongside QMU and NHS Education Scotland (NES), we set about identifying what model we could use to deliver learning outcomes with an aim of: Reducing face to face placements by 50% for Mental Health and Theatre/Critical Care by October 23 whilst...
The Adverse Events programme of work in Healthcare Improvement Scotland required a replacement Community of Practice (CoP) due to the retirement of the knowledge network which previously hosted the site. Consultation with members of the adverse...
The aim of my project was to improve communication within the facilities department across Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Effective communication is vital to any organisation and no more so than during covid, when it was essential that all staff were...
My original project idea was to develop an app for use within clinical CF teams and patients throughout Scotland. The enormity of this project coupled with a reduction in my working hours forced me to identify a project I was already working on...
The project I chose to undertake was that of the use of podcasts to support AHP staff and student learning in NHS Tayside. My original plan had been to have several podcasts recorded prior to releasing of my first one. However, a fortuitous...
My original application suggested that the aim of the improvement project I would like to progress is an impact evaluation to ensure we develop an interactive engaging e -learning education and training pathway for Advanced Nurse Practitioners...
My project involved rolling out the Silvercloud computerised CBT package for Children and Young people (CYP) and Perinatal across NHS Ayrshire & Arran. The aim was to increase awareness of the Perinatal programme and to implement the CYP programme...
As part of my digital leadership journey, I have been developing the use of animations for online learning modules for the care experience improvement model. My original plan was to focus on digital solutions to enhance the work of the joint...
My DLP project aimed to begin creating an online library for people working in health, housing and care, who are looking to embed the Scottish Approach to Service Design within their professional practice or projects. As part of an ongoing...
The project of establishing a digital learning package for Podiatry members has gone through various versions. Initially starting as a grand plan and eventually arriving at a refined focus on MSK (Musculoskeletal Podiatry). The package of learning...
Through participating in the DLP cohort, I feel I have made progress towards the following- We have made strides to understand and problem solve connectivity issues in Teams as well as understanding how to approach boards about the issue. I now...
The project aim was to increase uptake and maximise the potential for the use of NHS Near Me for Wellbeing Consultations in Ayrshire & Arran. Due to the impact of COVID-19 on the Public Health Department and the NHS services at the time this was...
Cohort 15 - Developing a Digital Training Resource to Support Social Care Workers - Donna Marie Coull
In the first wave of COVID19 many staff were redeployed to work in new areas, along with this came understandable anxiety and stress. Nurses and Midwives were moved out of areas where they had worked for many years and were required to refresh...