Cohort 17 - Implementing Technology Enabled Care in East Renfrewshire HSCP - Michael McNamara

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During the course of the last eight months, I have worked on raising the profile of Technology Enabled Care within East Renfrewshire’s Health and Social Care Partnership. Visiting a number of Multi-Disciplinary Teams at various sites across the partnership, I have described the Analogue to Digital switchover that is currently taking place nationally; highlighted the changes in practice that have taken place through the introduction to Telehealth systems and how the general public and health care practitioners have adapted to this throughout and following the pandemic. I have further encouraged referrals to the Telecare Service currently available within the authority and highlighted, that through experience in the Hospital Discharge field, admissions can be reduced or at best prevented, to hospital, through early referral for Telecare Services.

Publisher: NHS Education for Scotland (NES)

Type: Document

Audience: General audience