NHS Education for Scotland (NES)
The 2011 NHS Scotland Information Governance Competency Framework needs to be updated to reflect changes in the Information Governance (IG) landscape and in technology. The National IG Programme, through this project, will produce a high quality, engaging, usable resource that matches the needs and expectations of data and digital users across Health and Social Care. The Framework will inspire and direct people in an accessible way to training and resources within key Information Governance dimensions, including information/cyber security and resilience, data protection, freedom of information, records management, and confidentiality. The Framework should provide the backbone structure from which to access the many varied and exciting opportunities available. It will be a resource that will enable individuals to feel more comfortable and empowered when dealing with data and digital information systems to engage with Health and Social Care services.
Publisher: NHS Education for Scotland (NES)
Type: Document
Audience: General audience