Find out more about projects involving virtual consultations using platforms such as Near Me.
Find out more about projects involving virtual consultations and appointments using platforms such as Near Me.
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By 31/12/2023 all Inhealthcare remote monitoring pathways that are utilised by NHSS patients will be created by the National Video Conferencing Service (NVCS).
By March 2024 to have increased the level of usage by 20% of a network of Near Me spaces/digital hubs across the Western Isles providing more options to patients and clinicians when arranging appointments.
The Digital Leadership Programme has been fundamental to this project. The aim is to provide a suite of digital services to inform and support the population of Ayrshire with their palliative care needs. Achievements so far • Increased referral...
Introducing Video Consultations into NHS24 by Gavin Callander & Michelle McGuiness
Digital technology has the potential to change the face of health and social care delivery.’ Scottish Parliament Health and Sport Committee (2018). This vision has materialised through the rapid implementation of video consultations during the...
Our project was to embed the use of ‘Near Me’ consultations into the delivery of a combined Oral Surgery/maxillofacial surgery referral pathway. This required a complete redesign of the referral guidelines to ensure enough information was...
My original application, and intention, was to develop a virtual support option for Dundee residents who received direct, in person, support to take their medication. This would enable them to take their medication outwith their home and not have...
My plan was to explore whether we could make use of an asynchronous app so parents could upload videos of their children which could be used in autism assessment and diagnosis. We successfully applied to be part of the vCreate neuro test of change...
Scottish Centre for Technology for the Communication Impaired (SCTCI) is the national communication aid service in Scotland. The service works throughout 12 health boards and involves members of the team travelling to meet with people who use or...
Optimising Patient Centred Care Through Effective and Efficient Use of Appointment Type (Virtual Patient Management (VPM) and Face to Face) Clear project charter set. Feedback from all key stakeholders gathered and analysed. Results - Positive...
Due to COVID-19 and changes to service delivery model, NHS Lanarkshire Stop Smoking Service embarked on implementing Near Me as a test of change to align with Scottish Government Digital Policy on Technology Enabled Care to providing our clients...
All Health Visitor’s in West Lothian have recently been given laptops, my project aim was to support them finding new ways of working and enhancing patient care by using technology such as NHS Near me and by using the laptops in patients home in...
This project has been focussed on promoting the use of video resources to support the practice of the NHS Lothian Children and Young People’s SLT service. I have learned a lot about leading a project through participating in this course and have...
Throughout the COVID 19 pandemic the NHS Tayside Orthoptic department sought non-contact alternatives for seeing patients. Our solution was using Near Me video appointments with most patients. I used the Digital Health and Care Leadership...
To use vCreate to look at effectiveness of allowing patients and carers to upload asynchronous video to the system to allow consultation at a time that suits them and can be assessed and reviewed by a clinician and a response provided. Focus to be...
Learning from the DLP Course was applied to Falkirk HSCP’s Near Me Duty Social Work project. The project aligns with the Falkirk HSCP Strategic Priority to make better use of technology to support the delivery of health and social care services. ...
As part of the dNMAHP Digital Health and Care Leadership Programme (Cohort 15) I was required to complete a work-based digital improvement project. This paper details the project and its outcomes.
This project adopted a qualitative approach in order to gain rich data on participants experiences.
Use of Near Me: Guidance for MSK Out-patient Physiotherapy Services - NHS Tayside
Cohort 15 - Inpatient Stroke Physiotherapy Services and Near Me - Ben Addison
Cohort 15 - Green Screen Technology for Online Therapy - Helena Van Heerden
Covid 19 has resulted in NHS Forth Valley CAMHS implementing digital solutions to continue to provide ongoing care to young people and their families and to maintain connections within the Team. This project aimed to support the continued use of...
I was torn as to which TEC project I should choose to present as my role revolves around the implementation of digital transformation. So, I asked the question what is the purpose of the presentation? This led to me choosing “The transition of...
During the Covid pandemic, the use of Near Me increased vastly due to restrictions on face-to-face visits. We frequently encountered people with technology but no confidence to use this to access healthcare. As part of practice-based learning...
The aim of this project was to develop the skills and knowledge to deliver family meetings and family therapy sessions for stroke patients on our stroke unit. Hospital visiting had been suspended due to the Covid19 pandemic,this meant that...
The aim of this project was to develop a package of digital initiatives within the Cardiac Rehabilitation service, partly as a response to the Covid19 pandemic, but also with a view to modernising the service to meet the needs and expectations of...
Engaging families in their children’s therapeutic intervention can be challenging, particularly for a school based SLT service. In schools, the use of virtual learning platforms to engage and share curriculum learning, has been growing over the...