Find projects which involve digital solutions for patient education. This theme encompasses some projects where patients are given opportunities to self-manage their condition using the support provided. Some projects also relate to increasing the digital skills of patients.
Find projects which involve digital solutions for service user education. This theme encompasses some projects where patients are given opportunities to self-manage their condition using the support provided.
Some projects also relate to increasing the digital skills of service users.
Click on the below links to explore different projects.
To acquire the Knowledge and procedures to undertake and record a lived experience user video, focussing on post stroke fatigue. Ambition is that 100% of patents will have access to stroke information in a format that suits their own needs.
Using QR code to raise awareness of people regarding Falls Prevention (with the long term aim to reduce falls admissions into hospital) and in the short term increase self referrals to the Falls team by the end of 2024.
By December 2024, Lanarkshire Carers Centre would like to develop and deploy an enhanced version of our bespoke database management system – Carers Information System (known henceforth as CIS 2.0), to replace the current tech base, the Carer...
Health Information resources offered to parents and carers who access the Health Visiting Service, will be provided in a digital format to offer ease of access, ensure resources are contemporary and reduce the cost to the Health Visiting Service...
To ensure, by December 2024, that at least 10% of non-medical NHS 24 material, such as board papers are accessible via in built browser translators.
To develop a school nursing app for school aged children, young people, parents and carers in providing resources at the touch of a button in ensuring equity of services and in providing the right service at the right time by December 2024.
Deliver five Discover Digital workshops, reaching 20% of Digital Citizen Panel members by April 2024, with the aim of increasing their skills and confidence on digital tools and resources for health and wellbeing.
To help people in Midlothian access accurate information and online resources that enable them to have a meaningful say in the development of Midlothian HSCP’s strategic commissioning plan 2025 -2040.
Patient information on the use of medicines for all paediatric patients will be provided in a format that is tailored to the individual and patient group needs and in a way that is more accessible and sustainable by July 2024.
To double the proportion of Digital Citizen Panel (DCP) members completing the ‘Discover Digital’ workshop programme (online and in-person) from January to April 2024, improving understanding and more confident use of digital health and social...
The aim of this project is to create animation style videos to reduce the number of inappropriate referrals to the service and increase service user’s understanding/expectations of the service before accessing groups. By June 2025 we aim to create...
To increase awareness of Long COVID within NHS Grampian by providing children & young people, their families and professionals the opportunity to increase their knowledge of the condition through resources and signposting. The goal of this...
To assess the understanding, learning needs of & difficulties in implementing the current dietary intervention in women attending our Diabetes/Obstetric service, then develop a digital resource to support this by February 2024.
By June 2024, 100% of nurseries and 100 % of targeted primary schools within Moray will participate in the supervised tooth brushing programme as per the National Tooth brushing Standards and NHS Grampian Oral Health Improvement Plan through the...
By March 2024, I will create an updated IBS information video for all suitable IBS patients referred into the IBS dietetic service.
In NHS Grampian, from 1/4/2024 for all cCBT (computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) referrals received for General Anxiety & Depression (100%), the patients (all adults) will be provided access to SilverClouds programme Space From Anxiety &...
All members of the Occupational Therapy team will reduce their provision of paper resources issued to patients in substitution for electronic resources accessed by QR code, when appropriate, by March 2024.
A review of the digital resources available for provision of tailored patient exercise programmes, the levels of satisfaction and competency in using them by Physiotherapists in NHS Lothian, and to use this to direct further work to identify...
All members of the First Contact Physiotherapy (FCP) team can report being 70% more confident that their new appraisal process is better matched to their job roles. It will enable them to map robust evidence of their clinical capability using this...
To create short, educational videos on Bield's alarm receiving service’s and how they can have a positive impact on my organisation by increasing awareness and understanding of these services among the wider workforce, customer base and external...
Create a Health Visiting App to support service users have essential evidence-based health information in an accessible, user relevant format, which can quickly be updated in response to new evidence and research.
To design and deliver flexible, outcome-based digital support for individuals requiring care services. To reduce unmet need. To increase the care workers capacity.
The aim is to improve the quality and reliability of the interpreting service provided to non-English service users by 2025.
To design and implement a space for Health and Social care staff and the community to showcase telecare and smart home equipment and how it can be used in a care setting.
By December 2023 we will develop the NHS Tayside Dental Services website to have a space for information to be edited and updated easily. This will improve the accessibility of information available to patients of our service, while also making...
By December 2023 increase public health engagement with Dundee parents and carers to greater than zero. Parents will have access to health and wellbeing information that they trust, is relevant to their needs and helps them make informed decisions.
To create content for a web based resource offering advice for clients which was previously available at our in person resource centre by September 2023.
Improving digital access to health and wellbeing resources for those experiencing homelessness.
By July 2023, the NHS Lanarkshire podiatry department will implement 3 nail surgery aftercare videos as per the board corporate objective (best outcomes) and NHS Scotland Digital Health and Care Strategy (2021).
To design and implement a designated Orthoptic web platform on the NHSL public website for all Lanarkshire patients and carers in line with the Digital Health and Care Strategy’s vision and have 50% of patient information leaflets uploaded by June...
Our aim is to look for more digital opportunities for our service users who are homeless or in danger of becoming homeless and have no digital access.
Our project will utilize digital means such as social media and website content to target areas with higher rates of smoking, increase referrals, and engagement with clients. We will also use our social media channel to make the public more aware...
To develop a digital engagement toolkit to support and enhance engagement mechanisms for citizens, patients, staff and communities, to increase awareness and enable involvement in the Ayrshire and Arran Transformational Change Programme ‘Caring...
To increase the views of the MSK pages on NHS Inform by 20% by end of May 2023.
Develop a website for West Dunbartonshire where service users can be directed to information about Mental Health Services, trusted mental health resources and 3rd sector supports by 2024.
To provide first line information and advice to 70% of patients referred for IBS prior to their initial Dietetic appointment by May 2023.
Raising awareness of Green Health in South Ayrshire, to promote the concept of using the natural environment to get you active, benefitting your physical and mental health. I will do this by creating and promoting green health webpages to be...
The Greater Glasgow and Clyde Pain Management Programme (GG&C PMP) is a multidisciplinary group programme focussing on supported self-management for people with chronic pain. Groups are currently delivered virtually, and patients are provided with...
DLP project setting up an OT long COVID programme alongside Occupational Health for NHS Grampian employees. Supporting employees remain in or return to work, whilst living with the debilitating symptoms. The DLP provided invaluable peer support...
Our project aimed to establish routine use of digital approaches to improve the experience and outcomes of patients with aphasia on the stroke unit. During ward rounds, we often found people with aphasia having difficulty understanding medical...
This project aims to explore the accessibility and value of digital resources used within children’s occupational therapy, many of which have been created and/or ‘accelerated’ in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, and examine if the use of these...
My NES Digital Health and Care Leadership Programme (DLP) project summary, will focus on my work relating to the commissioning and development of a website that supports the work of the West Dunbartonshire Dementia Strategy Group, specifically to...
To increase the intensity of community physiotherapy rehab input, and make it more personalised, by the provision of virtual physiotherapy. This has been through introducing the use of Near Me for the first time within East Lothian community...
As a service we have identified that at the point of entry to CAMHS, we need to improve how we are communicating and sharing mental health information with children, young people, their families and other professionals. We set up a website working...
The aim of this project was to introduce inclusive assistive technology to the pan Ayrshire Dementia Post Diagnostic Support Pathway specifically focused in South Ayrshire for the purposes of this project. It has been invaluable taking my...
The aim of this project was to update and improve a carers nutrition resource pack to make nutritional information accessible, downloadable, digital and up to date. The nutrition resource positively contributes to the education of adults with a...
This project is follow on work from my QIP project. It involves creation of a low potassium dietary video and taking part in the creation of NHS GGC Dietetic website. With the advance in technology, social media and virtual consultations, creation...
My project identified a need for the development of more effective ways for parents to take ownership of their child’s single holistic care plan. Digital access to our clinical system was identified by parents as the way forward. It would...
My DLP project involved an ambitious new suite of brief, transdiagnostic videos to be hosted on the existing website Lanarkshire Mind Matters. Each video is to consist of a member of NHS Lanarkshire Psychological Services (NHSL PS) staff outlining...
Main aim was to consolidate all the information/resources and keep it up to date to ensure both staff and service users have confidence that the information is current and reliable. Successful stakeholder engagement re content multiagency and...
Introducing a test of change to Edinburgh GP practice to use a digital health promotion tool targeting people with a diabetes or hypertension health condition. Aiming to effectively improve physical activity and diet intake, knowledge, and...
In 2020 Speech and Language Therapy South Glasgow Team began to create digital resources (animations/videos) with the purpose of sharing with carers/colleagues. The videos are a demonstration of strategies which we suggest they use with their...
Utilising a text messaging service to offer a person-centred approach to support improving older/vulnerable people’s personal outcomes who live in sheltered housing and lack the skills/technology/confidence to connect to digital platforms for...
My project aimed to use the Inhealthcare App to provide diet and lifestyle advice to IBS patients more efficiently. Giving patients the tools to self manage their symptoms from their phone, tablet or PC. It would allow dietitians to monitor their...
Dundee Volunteer and Voluntary Action’s #DigiDundee has set up a number of digital community hubs in the areas of Tayside that have the most significant socio-economic challenges. Initially, a digital health hub was set up to help members of the...
My project is to create a Patient Forum on Microsoft Teams for patients that use an Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO). My project remains the same however I am currently having issues with patient turnover slowing due to COVID delays and slower discharge...
Primary Care Mental Health Services are new to NHS Highland. Developing a website to compliment the services is an obvious thing to do. Giving people information about services and providing access to self-help information will help reach people...
UGI cancer patients benefit from rapid access to nutritional support advice at the time of diagnosis to optimise their nutritional status whilst treatment is considered. A video education resource to introduce prehabilitation and provide initial...
The aim is to support the public in accessing resources to gain the relevant information and support during the different faces of Covid-19, the aim of the project was to utilised digital resources to reach a wider audience in gaining access to...
Integrate the use of Digital Passports, in partnership with PAMIS, to enable children with complex health needs in NHSGGC, to communicate and share information about their Postural Care needs.
Use of a Virtual Platform to provide accessible and long-term support within a specialist speech and language therapy service.
Cohort 15 - Digital Technology and Delivering Therapeutic Activities - Donna Southworth
Cohort 15 - Digital Platform Rebrand - Katie Harrison
Connecting Voices - A new mailbox and website for our care leavers and care experienced young people 16+
Cohort 15 - Accessing Accurate Information Online - Lorna Breeze
Cohort 15 - Universal Health Visiting App Development - Melissa Milliken
Cohort 15 - My Digital Leadership Journey - Nicola Rhind
Cohort 15 - The use of e-resources to support dietetic consultations - Nicole McDonald
Cohort 15 - My Leadership Journey - Sarah Hay
Early Occupational Therapy with patients recovering from COVID focuses on listening to the patients lived experience, establishing the connection with family and friends and maximising occupational performance. So how did we use d-Health to do...
Focus points for project: • Measurement of outcomes. • Strong focus on self care and ongoing rehabilitation using both physical & online support tools. • Provides patient choice/additional option for Service delivery. • Strong evidence that HCS...
My original proposal was to deliver a half day AHP CPD programme on TEAMs LIVE but due to the pandemic this has been put on hold and will hopefully occur in October 2021. So instead and maybe more appropriately for my role as NHS Borders AHP rep...
To develop a series of videos for people undergoing elective hip, knee or shoulder joint replacement surgery, which would provide advice on technique, pacing, fatigue management and helpful home environmental improvement information. These videos...
Within high secure forensic mental health care, patients have very limited access to technology, with many having no access at all. This can be for a variety of reasons, and as such, face inequality and are at a disadvantage when moving to...