Cohort 14 - How OTs engaged with d-Health to support post Covid recovery in the acute hospital setting - Tracy Bowen

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Early Occupational Therapy with patients recovering from COVID focuses on listening to the patients lived experience, establishing the connection with family and friends and maximising occupational performance. So how did we use d-Health to do this? iPads were used to normalise their experience of Covid and to support management of common symptoms such as breathlessness, fatigue, reduced strength and stamina. iPads were used during sessions to access meaningful support, increasing engagement in recovery, helping build trust, reducing anxieties and providing education. Progress could be tracked and shared. iPads enabled the therapist, patient and carer to take a virtual tour of the patient's home to promote confidence and independence for a successful return home and ongoing recovery.

Publisher: NHS Education for Scotland (NES)

Type: Video

Audience: General audience