Cohort 16 - A Digital Health & Care Leadership Journey - Claire MacPhee

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NHS Education for Scotland (NES)

Main aim was to consolidate all the information/resources and keep it up to date to ensure both staff and service users have confidence that the information is current and reliable. Successful stakeholder engagement re content multiagency and multi-professional collaboration alongside input from service users. Working on using a forms poll via our maternity voices partnership • Develop joins with local community midwife social media group you are also connected to the main page. • Develop a pathway to review and manage the page that has input from all appropriate stakeholders to ensure robust implementation and ongoing standard work. Come to realise that this doesn’t really sit within anyone’s portfolio to check it. Successes: • Developing leadership skills such as self-reflection particularly around communication and resilience to work around issues both complex and • Using QI tools such as SBAR, The project charter and data measurement tools to ensure buy in at a strategic level a

Publisher: NHS Education for Scotland (NES)

Type: Video

Audience: General audience