Anaesthetics, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine

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Anaesthetics, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine Medical Simulation

Anaesthetics, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine Medical Simulation Courses
Course titleEligibility Course information 
ACCS/IMT2 Skills DayYear 1 ACCS and EM trainees ideally who are undertaking their Emergency Medicine or Acute Internal Medicine blocksACCS/IMT2 Skills Day
Anaesthetics Initial Assessment of Competency (IAC) Simulation DayAnaesthetic Core Trainees and ACCS trainees in their first Anaesthetic post, who have done at least two months of an anaesthetic attachmentIAC Simulation Day Course Information
ACCS Critical Care Skills and Simulation DayYear 1 and Year 2 ACCS and EM trainees who are undertaking their ICU block from AugustACCS Critical Care Skills and Simulation Day Course Information
Emergency Medicine Trauma and Orthopaedics Skills DayST3-6 in Emergency MedicineEM Trauma and Orthopaedics Skills Day Course Information 
Emergency Medicine Cadaveric Hybrid Emergency Thoracotomy Mastery SkillsST6 in Emergency MedicineEM Cadaveric Hybrid Thoracotomy Skills Course Information
Emergency Medicine Obstetrics Mastery Skills DayST4+ in Emergency MedicineEM Obstetrics Mastery Skills Day
Emergency Medicine Cardiorespiratory Mastery Skills DayST4+ in Emergency MedicineEM Cardiorespiratory Mastery Skills Day
Scottish Organ Donation Simulation CourseICM ST3 - ST7 , Nurses and ACCP'sScottish Organ Donation Simulation Course Information
Cardiothoracic Skills, Drills and Simulation DayST4 - ST6 Intensive Care Medicine traineesCardiothoracic Skills, Drills and Simulation Day course Information
Paediatric Emergency Management and Stabilisation for ICM Trainees (PEMSIT)ICM trainees during, or approaching the start of their subspecialty year of training (SY4/5)PEMSIT course Information
Scottish Inter-facility Transfer (ShIFT) CourseAnaesthetics and ICM trainees that have recently started, or soon expect to be required to complete inter-hospital transfersTransfer Training course information