Anaesthetics Initial Assessment of Competency (IAC) Simulation Day
It is a requirement for all trainees starting their first Anaesthetic attachment (including ACCS trainees from all parent specialties) to complete an Initial Assessment of Competency at around 3 months. This includes the structured management of critical incidents and failed intubations demonstrated through simulation. Whilst some of this type of simulation is already present across Scotland, there is a challenge with rotations and timings to make sure that all trainees have equity of access and are given the opportunity to attend.
Our current recommendation to achieve this is to run regional training days for all trainees new to Anaesthesia. These IAC skills days would take place at the end of September/start of November (for those starting in August) and end of April/start of May (for those starting in February) and be run over a full day at regional simulation hubs in the North, East, South East and West of Scotland. It should be noted this course has been run with final year ODP student participants, and the benefit gained from this interprofessional approach was evident in the feedback. It is anticipated that this course could incorporate ODPs or Anaesthesia Associates in the future, and links with training programmes and the National Academy will be developed in the coming months.
Based on the current training numbers of ACCS and CT1 Anaesthetists, there will be around 80 trainees requiring an IAC Skills Day in September/November and around 30 in April/May. In trying to balance cost effectiveness with equitability we would suggest:
IAC Skills Days in late September/November for those new to Anaesthetics who commenced in August:
IAC Skills Days in late April/May, for those new to Anaesthetics who commenced in February:
As a backup for trainees that have a specific circumstance that means they cannot attend, we will either offer the opportunity to attend a date at a different region, or we will help support the local team to deliver these simulation workshops at a convenient time.
10/10/2024 - St John's Hospital
23/10/2024 - SCSCHF, Forth Valley Royal Hospital
29/10/2024 - Suttie Centre, Aberdeen University
31/10/2024 - SCSCHF, Forth Valley Royal Hospital
01/11/2024 - SCSCHF, Forth Valley Royal Hospital
18/11/2024 - The Medical Education Training Centre, Kirklands Hospital
24/04/2025 - St John's Hospital
Eligibility: Anaesthetic Core Trainees and ACCS trainees in their first Anaesthetic post, who have done at least two months of an anaesthetic attachment. If you are not sure if you are eligible, please contact the email below.
Programme pre learning:
1. QRH scenario videos:
Please watch these very short videos we have made especially for the IAC sim day:
Structured approach to the management of high airway pressure video:
Structured approach to the management of hypotension video:
2. The Quick Reference Handbook
3. Difficulty Airway Society guidelines
4. Front of neck access video
5. Adult advanced life support guidelines
6. Other Resources
External links to other relevant videos that could be helpful pre course preparation are