Emergency Medicine Simulation Training Zone
Welcome from our Emergency Medicine team
We will be sharing information here about our upcoming courses as part of the NES Simulation Strategy for Emergency Medicine Trainees across Scotland. You will see we have a focus on Mastery Learning and SLO6 ‘Proficiently deliver key procedural skills needed in EM’
Our course schedule will evolve over 2024 and 2025 with 5 courses being piloted in different parts of the country and planned role-out of each course 2 – 3 times per academic year with places prospectively allocated to our EM Trainees in all 4 regions – therefore every trainee will attend each course within their ST3 – 6 training years. There are also many opportunities to join our teaching faculty as an EM HST - so do get in touch! Laura.mcgregor@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk
New course plans include:
Emergency Medicine Consultant
Associate Postgraduate Dean for Emergency Medicine Simulation for NHS Education for Scotland
Emergency Medicine Trainee ST6
Medical Education Fellow – Environmental Sustainability
Medical Education Directorate, NHS Lothian
Emergency Medicine & Critical Care Trainee (ST5)