Find projects which focus on harnessing data to improve services and outcomes for people.
Find projects which focus on harnessing data to improve services and outcomes for people.
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We want to use digital equality monitoring data to gather patient equality information within the digital psychological therapy service through the use of the equality monitoring form and SIMD data. Future aims is to analyse the data to ascertain...
Implement a digital platform to collect postoperative patient-reported outcome measures (PROMS) from patients undergoing elective surgery in NHS Tayside, with implementation in a pilot specialty and data collection from 50% of their patients, by...
To develop an excel healthcare dashboard for a community-based falls service within 9 months, to utilise data to demonstrate performance/impact/trends and inform service development. The data will in turn be used to evaluate a time limited falls...
By December 2024, all senior members of the team on level 1 in DDH will have access to the Discovery online management system and will recognise their own data.
Improvements in definition, measurement and reporting of corporate performance indicators within NSS, to highlighting the impact this has on the organisation i.e. does the reporting have an impact and does consideration of improvements have an...
It is our aspiration that all referrals are triaged and processed with optimal efficiency, equity and consistency. Via review and improvement of referral processing for paediatric service users diagnosed with ARFID made to Specialist Children’s...
The primary aim of this project is to improve the existing record keeping system used in Medical Physics department so that it is more sustainable and time saving. This will be achieved by linking both the databases for them to work together and...
To produce a digital solution for the assessment of production and procurement route for chemotherapy, in the pharmacy aseptic unit, by March 2024.
By April 2024, our project aims to reduce medicine administration omissions and enhance patient safety across the six health boards in North of Scotland. We will achieve this by leveraging a comprehensive medicine administration data dashboard...
Develop a digital dashboard to represent capacity, demand and flow in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit in Glasgow. Combining staffing, bed availability and patient acuity, include elective surgical throughput and cancellations and develop an...
FlowMAP – The aim of the FlowMAP project is to create an interactive data dashboard that will allow us to model the inpatient and outpatient flow through General Paediatrics at the Royal Hospital for Children in Glasgow. At each stage we will use...
By the end of this project February 2024, I will have a greater understanding of the growth and service user preferences of webchat to allow our team to make amendments to improve Breathing Space Webchat Service. If service user preferences can be...
Within 4 months, the number of intervention types used by occupational therapy clinicians will be reduced to a core group, through development of set criteria, to accurately represent the occupational therapy role and number of different...
To achieve a 20% increase in the addition of actions to the ‘Actions Module’ of Datix within NHS Tayside In-Patient MHS by 31 March 2024.
By end February 2024, all staff in the Evidence Directorate in HIS who record their work activities in WENDI will do so consistently and accurately to enable effective reporting to senior leadership using Microsoft Power BI software.
To develop a Digital Dashboard through Data Led Prioritisation for Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes by October 2024. This aims to streamline the process of targeting and supporting children struggling with diabetes, improve team...
Our aim was to test the use of SMS e-surveys to collect patient satisfaction data in one of the five NHS 24 111 call queues by June 2023.
To optimise the service evaluation process of the Psychotherapy Department by using digital means to obtain patient feedback.
Increase the level of young people’s feedback form response rates from the current return rate of 19% up to 70% by integrating existing surveys and streamlining questions into one new information recording system.
I will gather knowledge on our digital health and care organisations views about the impact of their work upon the climate emergency and sustainability agenda. I will do this by learning from this year’s digital maturity assessment where I’ll...
To lead the development of AHP Performance Data in the context of SIMD and influence a change in service availability within West Lothian.
Phase 1 will be complete by May 2023, residents’ data will be inputted into the Abbotsford Care Service Management Software, with each home demonstrating an individual and cumulative dependency score, for residents, units and care home....
Between May 2022 and May 2023, we will design and implement an improved process for gathering service user feedback through revised questionnaires that can be used by all social work teams within Edinburgh Justice Services and with all people who...
To agree with partners, by May 2023, what are the preferred digital tools available which can be used by clinicians in hospitals across Scotland, to collect symptoms data on severe acute respiratory infections (SARI), for public health surveillance.
Create a Reproducible Analytical Pipeline (RAP) for Rstudio to use Dashboards to track Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) for Clinical Governance Support Unit by Autumn 2023.
My project for cohort 17 of the Digital Health and Care Leadership Programme was to implement a digital patient experience survey in general dental practice. The results of this survey will be used as a quality improvement tool to improve the...
The aim of my project was to streamline the medicines supply process by improving the accuracy of the stockholding on hospital wards using flexible, user-friendly dashboards. I was able to use new digital software to produce dashboards using stock...
Sexual health prescribing is a national system. Drug entries in the dictionary are free text protocols. They are not coded using standard nomenclature such as dm+d and SNOMED-CT coding. I set out to change this by retrospectively coding...
The aim of my project was to use digital solutions to capture data to inform workforce planning in remote and rural dietetics within a small team. Working closely with the team and our local information department, we changed outpatient...
My project aimed to review and develop a new approach to the effectiveness of statutory and mandatory training compliance in improving patient care and staff safety in NHS Grampian. This work aligned well with NHS Grampian Service transformation...
The project I undertook involved creating a data digital process for showcasing service performance for a community therapy team. Prior to this project some data was manually collected through excel spreadsheets, wasting valuable clinical time....
The Falkirk Digital Community Asset Map brings together information held locally regarding community groups / resources with the data held nationally on the ALISS (A Local Information System for Scotland) database. Some small local groups are...
The project - Reporting Checkpoint Information Sharing - which began in March 2021 with a view to creating an automated solution to reporting and to share the information with the team and our stakeholders; TEC Scotland and eventually Telecare...
This project transformed the way in which routine hospital data was presented. We took our standard quarterly reported data and visualised it in a way that had never been done before in ARHAI. This project has produced an environment that...
I was keen to explore electronic prescribing (HEPMA) data to influence prescribing practice. Feedback from senior doctors when asked about prescribing trends in their team is often ‘I have no idea’. I was able to use new and existing digital...
I was keen to explore electronic prescribing (HEPMA) data to influence prescribing practice. Feedback from senior doctors when asked about prescribing trends in their team is often ‘I have no idea’. I was able to use new and existing digital...
The aim of my project was to implement a data monitoring system in place within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde on the new fleet of infusion devices to feedback data to our clinical users to aid patient safety and quality improvement. The project...
Opportunity to Lead Digital Transformation across Edinburgh HSCP