Best Start in Life
AIM: By end of August 2018, in 50% of children’s cases, Social Work will send Legal all the information required to give legal advice on a child’s permanent plan at least 8 full working days before the date of the Substantive Looked After Child...
Promoting and increasing the uptake of Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) places for eligible 2 year olds is one of the 3 key priorities for the Scottish Borders Early Years Group. We started the project in the TD1 area of the Borders which had...
Aim: By 31st January 2018, 70% of eligible pregnant women registered at a Health Centre in Perth City will receive an antenatal home visit from the HV at 32 to 34 weeks gestation.
Aim - 95% of school leavers from our Secondary School will find a positive destination by the end of Oct 2017 A ‘positive destination’ is the Scottish Government’s National Indicator on the proportion of young people in learning, training or...
Aim - By March 2018, 30% of CYP aged 10 years and above, attending the GI service in RACH will receive an accurate diagnosis of a DGBI within the first appointment.
The aim of the project is for 100% of post discharge core groups to produce learning points which are shared across the teams in the network with 90% of staff aware of how to access them by May 2018
Aim By end of June 2018, increase the percentage of young people ready to transition from the care of Crisis Outreach Team at the end of the planned 6 week treatment period from 25% to 50%
Aim: By December 2018, 75% of children under the age of 12 in kinship care in East Renfrewshire will have waited no longer than 36 weeks of being placed to have legal permanence through a Kinship Care Order.
Aim By June 2018, the average level of Collaboration between schools is at least 4 because high levels of collaboration will improve attainment.
Aim: 50% increase in the number of appropriate RFAs received for children and young people in the North Ayr Community by October 2018.
Aim 90% of the daily nursing team can identify their high risk patients from the safety brief on a shift basis in Ward 112
Aim For 69% of the 16-18 year old male students participating in the project, to successfully complete Level 4 numeracy and Level 4 communication modules on their Entry Level Construction Course in Academic Year 17-18.
AIM: By September 2018, 85% of children will be able to understand the school values (CHARMS), and use these to articulate their learning, compared to 50% at the start (10 children compared to 6)
To reduce the number of late preterm infant admissions to SCBU by 20% by December 2018. The aim applies to babies admitted for feeding support and/or hypothermia or whose stay is prolonged due to feeding support and/or hypothermia.
70% of treatment decisions for children with Nocturnal Enuresis, will be informed by a fully completed nurse led comprehensive assessment. This improvement should be achieved by December 2018.
95% of children identified as at risk of deterioration in ward 2A will have structured response and review , ensuring that a plan for escalation is in place by December 2018
By 30th November 2018, 95% of pregnant women within NHS Lanarkshire, at between 20 and 24 weeks gestation, will have received a documented discussion regarding fetal movement that they understand and can use their own words to reaffirm their...
For 95% of women admitted to Western Isles Maternity Unit for antenatal in-patient care or delivery to have a VTE risk assessment documented by December 2018.
By 1st December 2018, 95% of women being induced due to going over the estimated due date, will be able to articulate the induction of labour process following attendance at the antenatal clinic.
Two more women per month delivering within a community team will go home in less than 12 hours by November 2018.
By 1st Feb 2018 , 85% of pregnant women who fulfil agreed referral criteria are appointed and assessed by specialist midwives within 72 hours of telephone referral to the Midwife-led Fetal Growth Assessment (MFGA) service as recommended by the...
To improve compliance with the use of the H&CN in laboratory sampling in the RBHSC to 95% by June 2018.
To reduce attendance at the RBHSC ED by up to 10 children per Monday morning by June 2018. This will be achieved by introducing a nurse led community clinic on a Monday morning as an alternative to RBHSC (ED) regarding general health, advice and...
Aim: By 30th April 2019, 65% of children in one region of Dumfries and Galloway will experience a child-centred children’s hearing. This will include all hearings from 1st December 2018.
Aim : By the end of June 2019 28 out of 45 pupils in P2 in school A will be at or beyond expected levels of progress in learning to read.
Aim: By the end of June 2019, 85% of children leaving Inveraray Early Level Class (at the end of Primary 1) would achieve Early Level Literacy (reading, writing, listening and talking).
Aim: By the end of this academic session (June 2019), we aim to increase vocabulary knowledge in range (number of words known) and depth (ability to give definition, examples and use in writing) by 20% for one class of pupils in S1 at secondary...
Aim: By end of June 2019 80% of children will have a family member who has embarked on at least one quality offer of Family Learning.
Aim: With Level 5 Certificate in Social Sciences, Arbroath, we aim to increase learner attainment (26 students) from 56% to 75% by the end of the 2018/19 session.”
Aim: By February 2019 100% of P1 children will be consistently using 2 or more sophisticated* conjunctions in their talking during 5 minute conversations (Baseline: 67%). *Operational Definition: Sophisticated conjunctions…Words used to connect...
By 31 December 2019 we will increase the percentage of steps of the TCI Post Crisis Response process that are completed following each TCI incident in a WHSCT children’s home from 0% to 75%
To introduce out of hospital IOL to over 5 women per week by July 2020
Increase the attendance of identified pupils at risk of not progressing onto a positive destination on leaving school, to 80% or higher by December 2019
To reduce by 25% the number of asymptomatic Term Neonates (≥37 weeks gestation) admitted to the NNU for IV cannulation and IV antibiotics by January 2020
By January 2020, 100% of P7 pupils* (100% = 16) at Ladyloan Primary School will be confident documenting their learning via an online journal, Seesaw. (*Pupils with no multiple or complex ASN diagnosis)
By April 2020 80 % of pupils in a Primary 6 class rate themselves at least 40 / 50 on a self reported resilience scale
By June 2020, 90% of pupils in Primary 1 (51/57 children) will be able to write a sentence.
Working Together To Support Children To Get The Best Start In Life Through Financial Inclusion
Learning from a QI project to upskill school nurses in Scotland on the Solihull Approach.
Enhancing Online Family Learning in North Ayrshire during Covid-19
Improving first level writing outcomes for a group of Primary 5 boys at Dunbar Primary School.
Improving Uninterrupted Skin to Skin Contact for Emergency Caesarean Section Patients
To improve from 53% to 100% of the 14 preschool children in Scallywags nursery will be able to express what they need to feel happy (measuring 4 or 5 on the Leuven scale) on the days they attend ELC by 26th June 2022.
Maximising the Benefits of Breastfeeding to Mums and Babies
Wellbeing as a leadership strategy to improve a teams self reported experience of team cohesiveness and joy at work
Raising The Parental Confidence of Early Years Children
“There can be no learning without action,and no action without learning” Professor Reginald Revans (1907-2003)
By March 2022: improve the listening, behavioural and music learning outcomes of 3-5 pupils, from disadvantaged backgrounds in a primary school in West Lothian through music learning
This project aims to increase breastfeeding* at discharge by 10% from the baseline of 57% to 63% for babies 31-35+6/40wks gestation at RHC NNU Glasgow by March 2022
Early learning is essential for building foundations for children's future and should be accessible for all. By working closer together health and education aim to support and understand the barriers to children attending nursery with the aim to...
By July 2022, 80% of families with preschool children in an Aberdeenshire town* are aware of the Speech and Language Therapy service and know where to access support if they require it. *Operational definition: Children aged 0y to school entry...
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ScIL 43 Poster
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ScIL 43 Poster
ScIL 43 Poster