Find out more about projects involving remote health pathways.
This is where technology is used to monitor service users outside of a clinical setting, providing people more choice and greater flexibility to receive, record and send relevant information about their current health and wellbeing.
Click on the below links to explore different projects
The aim of this project is to implement the remote monitoring blood pressure program from Connect Me (Inhealthcare Connect) (IHC) for this local practice as part of NHS Shetland, with the goal of launching the service at other NHS Shetland...
By the end of June 2025, my goal is to efficiently co-ordinate reviews for around 10 individuals who have overnight support with paid carers in their homes. These reviews will be conducted to assess the potential for reducing individuals’...
By end of 2024, have all eligible women accessing Maternity Services within Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (QEUH) NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (GG&C), who require home blood pressure monitoring, to input their data into the BadgerApp and...
By December 2024, the Living Life team will test the use of Near Me consultations to improve psychological therapy access and choice for staff and patients, supporting NHS 24’s stratified ambitions in digital mental health care.
I aim to implement a RBPM service in the catchment area of one of the community midwifery teams of NHS Highland by the end of 2024. Providing the pilot is successful, RBPM services could be put into practice in other teams/locations.
By April 2024, 20 heart failure patients will have access to the Inhealth app. This will facilitate 4 pillars of heart failure being titrated over a 4 week period remotely/virtually to align with the ESC Guidelines of the management of Heart...
By end of Jan 2024, 90% of people diagnosed with IBS and referred to Moray Dietetic Service will have accessed the dietetic led IBS Remote Health Pathway (RHP) using the My Inhealthcare App and over 80% of those using the App will complete the...
Implement a remote health pathway for Blood Pressure in the form of Inhealthcare (web application), with the national project Connect Me. Implementing the service, integrating with existing systems and training staff in GP practices. Liaising with...
By end of May 2023, ‘Glasgow Antipsychotic Side Effect Screening’ will be developed as a Mental Health Remote Pathway ready for proof of concept clinical trial within South Ayrshire Community Mental Health Team.
By end of March 2023, 5 people who have been admitted to hospital with respiratory conditions will be discharged earlier and supported at home through remote monitoring.
By September 2023 children under 2 years of age in the Lanarkshire area who are enterally fed at home will be reviewed digitally. The digital review will encompass feeds, growth, stock checks and enable timely addressing of nutritional issues....
The Scottish Governments Falls & Fracture Strategy 2019-24 reference that statistically 10% of those over 65 will annually suffer a fragility fracture.The aim of this project is to be able to evidence a reduction of 2nd falls for those aged 65+. A...
This project has been run in conjunction with Edinburgh University with the aim of supporting self-management of patients with COPD. RESpeck sensors linked to smartphones were used to remotely monitor patients’ symptoms and activity levels whilst...
My project is in partnership with Technicare Solutions Ltd who have provided 20 digital wearable devices (watches) and phones and an online application to support this. This will give patients the opportunity to take responsibility and...
Patients complete daily reported outcomes (PROS) on a webapp, which are then recorded on a clinical portal. Patients have access to instant messaging and a portal of information. This system was originally developed and researched by GGC and...
My project focused on using IoT devices to support self-management and monitoring of health and wellbeing to promote independent living. Using our already established customer digital platform, we wanted to evaluate the impact of automatic...
Within the speech and language therapy service, voice problems constitute a large proportion of outpatient care. The majority of voice problems are behavioural and therefore preventable with timely intervention and self-management. The use of...
My original application suggested that I would look at ways in which I could engage and communicate with cardiac rehabilitation participants. Covid really changed (and slowed) my plan dramatically as rehabilitation classes were paused and we were...