The Digitally Enabled Workforce (DEW) team within NHS Education for Scotland is the delivery partner for Scottish Government's Building Digital Capabilities Programme and are collectively responsible for the delivery of a programme of work aligned to Scotland’s Digital Health and Care Strategy, Data Strategy and Care in the Digital Age delivery plan.
The programme priorities are to develop national resources and learning networks that support digital skills and digital leadership development across the entire health and social care workforce in Scotland (NHS, Local Authorities, Health and Social Care Partnerships, Social Work, Social Care, Care and Support Providers, Housing, Third and Independent Sectors).
Leadership in the digital age is about more than just managing technology; it's about guiding people through change, fostering a culture of innovation, and building the capabilities needed for success.
Watch our new short video titled What is a Digital Leader, voicing different perspectives on what being a digital leader really means.
The Digital Health and Care Leadership Programme (DLP) aims to maximise the potential of digital solutions to benefit people and supports participants to develop the strategic leadership skills required to influence the use of digital solutions in health and social care delivery.
The Leading Digital Transformation in Health and Care for Scotland [PGCert, PGDip, MSc] is designed to enhance the ability of current and future leaders to drive, deliver and embed digital transformation across Scotland’s health and social care services.
The Digital Mindset Sessions provide learning resources and training events to Board Members and Senior Leaders (directors, associate directors, heads of service, service managers and equivalent roles) across health and social care organisations in Scotland.
The Exploring Digital Leadership Webinar Series is open to all roles and levels across health and social care with an interest in the subject areas. Visit the learning site for information on upcoming webinars and to view previous recordings. Topics so far include: Growing Digital Confidence and Capabilities through Digital Champion Networks, The Journey to Digital Leadership. Getting Started with AI, Deliberate Data in Health and Care and more!
We need to ensure all staff possess the essential digital skills they need to do their job. This includes providing consistent and tailored digital skills learning and development on accessible platforms for all health and care staff incorporating blended training approaches as necessary.
The Digital and Data Capability Framework identifies the digital skills, knowledge, and behaviours the workforce needs to do their job and deliver safe and good quality care and support.
The Self-Assessment Tool offers an interactive way to work through the Digital and Data Capability Framework to review your current levels of digital capability.
The Digital and Data Resource Hub hosts free content to ensure that staff have access ot the digital and data skills required to do their job and develop their career. Resources have been tailored to provide learning content in a range of different formats and lengths and are organised into 6 capability areas - linked ot the framework - to make it easier to find the learning topic you are looking for.
Thriving in a Digital Age Pathways are intended to build understanding of the role of digital in health and social care. Key digital concepts are introduced and developed over the course of the pathway series, with each pathway building on the themes introduced in the pathway before. By working through the steps, you will be challenged to think about what you know and your understanding of working with a digital mindset.
The Remote Consulting and Remote Health Monitoring websites are regularly updated with new information to support the workforce across health and social care.
NES in partnership with Scottish Government have just launched two new eLearning resources which are a great way to learn more about Near Me video calls.
The Professional Development Award in Technology Enabled Care aims to equip Scotland's workforce with the knowledge and skills required to embed technology into health and social care practice.
The Technology Enabled Care module is adapted from the PDA in Technology Enabled Care at SCQF Level 7 course. This byte size learning is a brief overview or ‘taster’ of the topics covered in the PDA in TEC.
The NHS Scotland M365 Skills Hub includes webinars, updates on services and how-to guides for the different Microsoft 365 apps. These apps, particularly the use of Teams, have made a considerable impact on the design and delivery of services through the pandemic and will continue to shape our future services. Work is currently underway to provide access to this resource across health and social care organisations.
The KIND (Knowledge, Information and Data) learning network is an inclusive and supportive community of practice for staff across the knowledge, information, and data workforce. It exists to further the leading role of the community in the digital transformation of health and care by supporting learning, sharing of best practice, and developing interdisciplinary collaborations.
The KIND training mini site |
The KIND training mini site contains links and resources for our one-off training sessions. All our sessions are:
Documents & non-training resources |
This is the main page for the KIND network’s live documents and non-training resources. These documents set out simple, human, and sensible platform-specific standards that we think some of the most widely-used knowledge, information, and data tools should follow. |
The KIND technical mentoring scheme |
The KIND mentoring scheme follows a simple structure to put mentors and mentees in touch. We invite proposals for specific professional mentoring needs - usually to support a single project for about 8 weeks. For more information on the mentoring scheme and to join the network click here. |
There is a programme of work to support organisations to build and grow their own digital champion networks to support the development of workforce digital skills.
What a champion does depends entirely on the organisation they are part of, and the context they are operating in. We are also aware that many people are already doing this sort of work without being acknowledged or supported by their organisations.
To find out more visit the Digital Champions site.