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DEW Team Presentations

Breaking Barriers: digital skills journeys
Digital tunnel

The Breaking Barriers: digital skills journeys session in May 2024 explored why leaders at all levels need to be digital leaders. Why they ought to have curiosity, to understand how digital leadership applies across sectors - building knowledge and skills in the system to support and deliver digital transformation.

Participants shared their journeys and answers to some of these questions. How they overcame barriers including personal perspectives, resistance and change management. 

The session explored digital as a way of thinking and working - and how it fits with multi-sector roles across professions.

Back to the Future: Your path to digital skills and leadership (Part 1 & Part 2)

As part of Digital Health & Care fest 2022 the Digitally Enabled Workforce Team hosted a satellite session Back to the Future: Your path to digital skills and leadership in November 2022.

In Part 1 Hear more about the Building Digital Skills & Leadership Programme, and how the current and future work can support individuals on their digital journey. During the webinar you will hear from a variety of speakers providing short talks on topic areas of interest. Part 2 closes with a discussion led by Alan Milbourne, Policy Manager Digital Health and Care Workforce, Scottish Government and Paula Baird, Programme Lead Digitally Enabled Workforce.