This page contains information and guidance on how to use the accompanying Digital and Data Capability Self-Assessment Tool.
The Digital and Data Capability Self-Assessment Tool offers an interactive way to work through the Digital and Data Capability Framework to review your current levels of digital capability.
The tool provides a form that will guide you through each of the framework capability areas to help you decide which level best describes your current skills, knowledge and behaviour. The form should take approximately 20-30 minutes to work through.
You will then receive a personalised email with a record of your self-assessment, detailing each of the framework capabilities and the level you chose.
Your email will also contain links to learning resources based on the capability levels you chose. Resources have been selected to support development within each of the framework capabilities, helping you to further develop your confidence and progress towards higher levels of capability where appropriate.
Self-Assessment Tool Instructions |
There are detailed instructions below to help you use the tool: Please note it should take around 20-30 minutes to work through the tool. It is not possible to save your progress as you go through the form so please make sure you have enough time available before you start.