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The Leading Digital Transformation in Health and Care for Scotland [PGCert, PGDip, MSc] is designed to enhance the ability of current and future leaders to drive, deliver and embed digital transformation across Scotland’s health and social care services.

Programme Logo

The programme is targeted at those operating in a role where they are required to tackle complex problems using creative problem-solving skills and set strategic vision to drive and deliver practical digital transformational change within their organisation or system.

Applications now open for PGCert year 2024/25 (Cohort 2)
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We are delighted to announce that recruitment is now open for Cohort 2 of the Scotland led master’s level programme: Leading Digital Transformation in Health and Care for Scotland, with Scottish Government funding 25 places for participants to complete the 1 Year Postgraduate Certificate (PGCert) starting in September 2024.  

  • Applications will be accepted between 12 July and 04 August 2024
  • Successful candidates informed by 16 August 2024
  • Delivery of the programme will start on the 16 September 2024

Find out more and apply for the programme here.

More about the [PGCert, PGDip, MSc] Programme
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Funded by the Scottish Government and led by NHS Education for Scotland, as part of the Digital Skills and Leadership Programme, this qualification is designed to enhance the ability of current and future leaders to drive, deliver and embed digital transformation across health, social care, social work, and housing services in Scotland. 

You can find out more about the Leading Digital Transformation in Health and Care for Scotland [PGCert, PGDip, MSc] here.

PGCert, PGDip, MSc Programme Update (Cohort 1)
Cohort 1 participants

The launch event for Cohort 1 of the postgraduate programme took place in March 2023 and was attended by a range of guest speakers and senior leaders. The 48 participants formally commenced their learning in April 2023. During year one participants undertook three compulsory credit courses required to obtain the PGCert.  The PGCert year concluded with a final ‘Celebration and Impact’ event held in June 2024. This was attended by participants, their executive sponsors, and senior people from across the health, social care, and housing sector.

You can find out more about Cohort 1 participants’ journey so far and read statements from their executive sponsors here.