ScIL Cohort 2
Venous Thrombo-embolism (VTE) is the leading direct cause of maternal death in the UK. Although maternal mortality from VTE is low, pregnancy increases the relative risk four to six fold (rate of death from VTE: 1.01 per 100,000 maternities in...
The project aims to improve early identification, and timely approval or exclusion, of Kinship options to best meet the child’s need for long term security. Children who are Looked After away from home should be brought up in their family of...
Our population is living longer, often with multiple long term conditions, frailty and increasing risk factors. Older people tell us they want to be cared for at home for as long as possible (1) Anticipatory Care Planning (ACP) helps people think...
Care and comfort rounding promotes a proactive approach to direct patient care needs and can allow for communication with the team and prompt subsequent care planning. Evidence show improved patient experience, pressure ulcer prevention and falls...
Scores for patient equipment using the national audit tool in the labour ward in the Royal infirmary of Edinburgh require improvement. Recent quarterly audits have shown compliance to be 27% in adjacent (joined) ward in January 2015 and 30% in...
Midwives play a key role in assessment and support of health and well-being during pregnancy and the early post-natal period. Therefore early assessment during pregnancy can help identify when a woman may require additional support to enable her...
There is a genuine desire for enhanced frontline capacity for Quality Improvement (QI) and leadership. But despite best efforts the compliance with many safety bundles are not sustained reliably above 95%. Based in part on the model described by...
North Ayrshire Council has undertaken a Strategic Review of Education which aimed to close the attainment gap between those who live in North Ayrshire’s most deprived areas and those who do not. To help with this, the Directorate of Education and...
Evidence suggests that methods which optimise patient flow improve quality and reduce the risk of harm. Data collected within the Rehabilitation Team identified an increasing gap between Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy services relating to...
The Growing up in Scotland project found that children whose language is delayed at the age of 3 years are liable to have literacy difficulties in school, falling behind their peers and showing an associated delay in academic achievement. ...
Scottish Education generally serves children well, however there remains an attainment gap between pupils from the richest and poorest backgrounds. The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation ranks the area served by the school within the most...
Project Aim: To reduce the electricity consumption within specific areas of the Marine Laboratory in Aberdeen by 10% of the baseline measured at the start of the project, by February 2016.
Project Aim: 10% reduction in sepsis mortality in pilot areas by June 2016 The risk of death associated with Sepsis is considerable. There is an estimated 150,000 cases of sepsis annually in the UK, resulting in 44,000 deaths. Sepsis responds well...
To standardise and reduce variation in the referral process that will ensure that 95% of children who are referred to the Pre3 Admissions Panel are provided with a service that suits their needs and the needs of their family within 6 weeks of...
People needing urgent medical assistance outwith their GP’s normal opening hours can access this through NHS24. NHS24 triage the request and, as a result, one option is for NHS24 to request the local Primary Care Out-of-Hours service to arrange...