Aim: For looked after children who have a decision of permanence away from home, by 31st August 2016 90% will have kinship options ruled in or ruled out by their 18 week looked after review
Aim: For looked after children who have a decision of permanence away from home, by 31st August 2016 90% will have kinship options ruled in or ruled out by their 18 week looked after review
The project aims to improve early identification, and timely approval or exclusion, of Kinship options to best meet the child’s need for long term security. Children who are Looked After away from home should be brought up in their family of origin where ever possible and when the carers are able to meet the needs of the child for life. Nationally, exploring permanent Kinship Care options is often not started early enough, when a child may be on the edge of care, so we risk placing children unnecessarily out with their family of origin, delay placing children with permanent carers by spending time assessing unsuitable Kinship Carers and place children with Kinship Carers on an emergency basis who are not able to care for the child in the long term.