Improving compliance with Sepsis 6 Bundle by improving staff engagement and local ownership

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NHS Education for Scotland (NES)

There is a genuine desire for enhanced frontline capacity for Quality Improvement (QI) and leadership. But despite best efforts the compliance with many safety bundles are not sustained reliably above 95%. Based in part on the model described by John Kotter in the book ‘Accelerate’. And also on Deming’s theory of profound knowledge- there is a huge body of evidence that suggests frontline staffs are best placed to carry out quality improvement. The aim was to improve overall compliance with Sepsis 6 Bundle on Cardiothoracic ward at the GJNH by at least 50% by December 2015 by introducing weekly QI rounds to foster frontline staff engagement.

Publisher: NHS Education for Scotland (NES)

Keywords: Quality improvement

Type: Document

Audience: General audience