ScIL Cohort 1
Carers are key partners in the provision of mental health and social care services. Carers are the people who help to keep their relatives safe and well in the community and are usually the first to be aware of an emerging crisis. They very often...
Leadership of Change and Improvement in Education is currently managed through agreed School Improvement plans. These are statutory documents and are usually led by senior staff and include many National and Local priorities. The targets are often...
Ward 7 is an acute medical ward within Dr Gray’s Hospital. Staff on the ward care for some of the most complex patients within the hospital. As with all other acute hospital wards, Ward 7 is challenged with improving the quality of care that it...
30 Fife EYC practitioners are trained and confident in using the Model for Improvement and other quality improvement tools to deliver change projects by December 2015.
The feeling of ‘welcome’ has a close correlation to the perception of care experience. This project focuses on testing whether ward staff’s role in the ‘welcome on arrival to the ward and escort of the person to the bedside’ improves the...
Medicine reconciliation is a key step to ensuring that patients are prescribed the correct medicines, and the correct dose, appropriate to their current clinical presentation and that avoidable harm from medicines is reduced. Among older patients...
Hip fractures are a major public health issue due to an ever increasing ageing population (80 is the average age of a person who has a hip fracture). Around 70,000-75,000 hip fractures occur in the UK each year. Hip fractures are more common in...
Care of the deceased patient and their relatives is an emotional time and often one of the most memorable experiences that families have. It is imperative that we get this right for every patient and every family every time. Feedback and...
The Patient Rights (Scotland) Act 2011 requires all NHS Boards to have effective complaints handling processes. Since the implementation of the Act there is a focus on patient rights and responsibilities which encourages the use of feedback,...
The aim of the project is to improve the care of patients who are admitted to one ward in the Western General Hospital, NHS Lothian, with diabetes as a secondary condition. By increasing the percentage of appropriately managed hypoglycaemic...
Increase the number of women who contact Coatbridge maternity services earlier in their pregnancy
This improvement project is part of the NES Finance Transformation project, which will realign the different elements of the finance function throughout NES to best support delivery of strategic outcomes. It represents a fundamentally different...
More women need to be made aware of the benefits of booking early for pregnancy. This includes accurate dating of the pregnancy, early identification of any health problems in the mother, early health promotion info for the mother (e.g. vitamin...
The Equality Act (2010) provides a legal framework requiring all public authorities to evidence service delivery is based on the principles of human rights. The Equality Impact. Assessment (EQIA) process has been introduced to support service...
A significant amount of local and national press coverage has highlighted numerous examples where Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) decisions have caused distress to patients and their families. It is essential that patients...
The existing pathway of care for Lanarkshire breast cancer patients involves discharge from the acute service following completion of treatment with an appointment to return in 1 year. In order to improve care and provide support, a service was...
Aim: To build capacity and capability in Quality Improvement at the Golden Jubilee National Hospital by: • Raising awareness of the value of quality improvement capability in the workforce • Increasing the number of staff with practical quality...
Aim: 50% reduction in the cardiac arrest rate in general wards by June 2016 The harm from cardiac arrests is considerable. Published evidence over the last 20 years has shown that cardiac arrests occur in hospital patients often after a 6 hour...
Person-centred care is a philosophy that sees patients as equal partners in planning, developing and assessing care to make sure it is most appropriate for their needs. This involves patients and their families being at the heart of all decisions....