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Chest Drains Online Skills Pack
Table of Contents
Chest Drain Programme
How to Use this Programme
Learning Outcomes - Chest Drains
Essential Pre-requisite Knowledge
Potential Indications
Anatomy and Physiology
Risk Assessment
Psychological considerations
Risk Factors
Procedural Guidelines - Chest Drain Insertion Generic Aspects
Large bore chest drain insertion
Technique 1 - Large-bore chest drain insertion
Modifications 1: The use of USS in chest drain insertion
Modifications 2: The Use of Flutter valves
Small-bore chest drain insertion
Technique 2 - Small-bore Seldinger chest drain insertion
Modifications 1: The use of USS in chest drain insertion
Modifications 2: The Use of Flutter valves
Pre-hospital chest drain insertion
Pre-hospital considerations
Clinical Signs of Tension Pneumothorax
Questions to ask yourself before inserting a pre-hospital chest drain?
Procedural Guidelines - Pre-hospital chest drain insertion
Chest drain management
Ongoing care and management of Patients with Chest Drains
Procedural Guidelines - Chest Drain Management
Trouble Shooting and Pitfalls
Chest drain Removal
Procedural Guidelines - Removing a chest drain
Risk Factors of Chest Drain Management
Theoretical Assessment - Chest Drains
Theoretical Assessment - Chest Drains
Assessment of Skill Acquisition - Small Bore Chest Drain Insertion
Assessment of Skill Acquisition - Large Bore Chest Drain Insertion
Assessment of Skill Acquisition - Pre-Hospital Chest Drain Insertion
Assessment of Skill Acquisition - Chest Drain Management
Assessment of Skill Acquisition -Chest Drain Removal
Record of Completion of Programme (Small-Bore Chest Drain Insertion)
Record of Completion of Programme (Large-Bore Chest Drain Insertion)
Record of Completion of Programme (Pre-Hospital Chest Drain Insertion)
Record of Completion of Programme (Chest Drain Management)
Record of Completion of Programme (Chest Drain Removal)
Practitioners' Evaluation Questionnaire (Chest Drains)
Useful On-line Resources
Authors, Contributors & Reviewers
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H