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Appendix B

Procedural Checklists - Small-Bore Chest Drain Insertion

Task N/A
Introduce self to patient by name and title
Ensure you have the correct patient - check name, DOB, CHI (in-patients) or address (primary care) or Typenex number (unknown identity)*
Gather appropriate equipment (Appendix G)
Explain procedure to patient
Gain verbal +/- written consent
Position patient appropriately
Identify safe triangle and point of insertion within triangle above a rib
Consider Oxygen, analgesia, anxiolytic
Infiltrate local anaesthetic 3mg/kg max (skin bleb, then down onto rib)
Asepsis -hand wash, sterile gloves, mask, gown
Get assistant to open chest drain pack-keep contents sterile
Take betadine and underwater seal system from assistant
Clean skin with betadine and swabs
Apply drape to maintain sterile field
Make 3-5mm horizontal incision through all layers of skin
Insert needle attached to syringe towards upper border of rib (without excess force), aspirating continuously until air or fluid confirms position in pleural cavity
Remove the syringe and insert the guide wire keeping one hand on the wire at all times
Remove the needle and feed the first dilator onto the wire and through the chest wall into the pleural cavity (it may be necessary to extend the incision slightly at this stage / ensure that dilator is inserted no deeper than required to dilate chest wall)
Repeat process for second dilator if present
Remove dilator keeping wire in place, estimate depth of insertion of drain using scale
Feed the 12F chest drain onto the wire and into the pleural cavity up to desired depth
Remove wire keeping one hand on the drain now at all times
Keep hold of drain and attach to underwater seal system
Place drainage system below patient and make sure it is bubbling or swinging
Remove drapes
Secure drain to the skin using swabs and dry dressing
Dispose of all waste and sharps appropriately
Obtain a chest x-ray to confirm position
Record procedure details, including any complications in the patients notes