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Theoretical Assessment - Chest Drains

Theoretical Assessment

Chest Drains

Practitioners should cover key points for each question. Practitioners who have not considered key points in their answers should be guided by their assessor to further reading, before attempting to answer the questions again. To enable your assessor to give you feedback on your work, guidance notes for the theoretical assessment are available on the mobile unit or from the Clinical Skills Managed Educational Network office (email

Question 1

All practitioners have a responsibility to keep up to date and prevent skill fade. Explain what actions you can take to keep up to date with chest drain insertion and prevent skill fade.

Question 2

List the indications for both small and large bore chest drain insertion.

Question 3

Describe some of the risks associated with chest drain insertion and how to avoid them.

Case Scenario

James Smith is a 24-year-old patient who has been stabbed to the left side of the chest. He is brought into A&E and despite the fact that he is haemodynamically normal a chest x-ray shows a moderate sized left pneumothorax. You decide to insert a large bore chest drain

Question 4a

Following assessment, it appears that Mr Smith has had a chest drain inserted before and found it to be a very unpleasant experience. How would you attempt to improve his experience of the procedure this time?

Question 4b

What information would you give Mr Smith in order to obtain informed consent?

Question 4c

What equipment would you choose for the procedure, giving a rationale for your choice?

Question 4d

Why should a trained assistant be present during this procedure and what is their role?

Question 4e

Several hours later the drain stops bubbling and Mr Smith becomes very breathless. What actions will you take?

Question 4f

Mr Smith's chest drain was inadvertently clamped and the patient nearly dies as a consequence. Discuss what you may learn from this incident?

Question 4g

Reflect on what learning has occurred and discuss the changes this will make to your clinical practice.

Question 5

Regarding chest drains identify areas where you can further improve your practice and learning. Explain what possible sources you may obtain further information from.