Innovation & Service Improvement

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For Innovation & Service Improvement, there are 4 Capability Statements:

  • Embraces digital change
  • Uses digital tools to improve processes and solve problems
  • Promotes the practical application of digital tools to support people
  • Supports the promotion of digital inclusion and flexibility for accessing services
Capability Statement

Embraces digital change

                            Level 1                              Level 2                                Level 3

I understand why digital change is necessary. I am aware when it is happening within my organisation and am able to follow instructions to make sure it is a success.

I am keen to embrace digital changes. I like to be an early adopter and am happy to provide constructive feedback to ensure success.

I am able to lead on digital change as it applies to my role, volunteering to test new systems, tools, or processes where possible, championing their use, and supporting others through change.

Uses digital tools to improve processes and solve problems

                            Level 1                              Level 2                                Level 3

I can identify situations where digital tools could improve current processes and solve problems and am happy to speak to an appropriate colleague about these.

I recognise where current processes need to be improved.  I am happy to suggest ideas for modernisation and explore how the digital tools I access can provide solutions and solve problems.

I advocate for digital innovation across my organisation, proactively looking for opportunities where digital tools can make a difference. I am able to seek out appropriate digital tools to provide solutions and drive forward their implementation.

Promotes the practical application of digital tools to support people

                            Level 1                              Level 2                                Level 3

I know that there are digital tools that can help me in my role or make a practical difference to people using the services I provide (e.g. technology enabled care, remote consulting).  I keep my knowledge of these tools up to date and am comfortable to discuss them with people and explain how they work.

I actively develop my awareness of digital tools that are relevant to my role, my organisation, and the people I work with. I am happy to find out about appropriate new tools, learning how to use them, and sharing this knowledge with colleagues or people accessing services I provide, making recommendations where appropriate.

I am skilled using digital tools. I can confidently discuss the pros and cons of different tools, make recommendations, and support others to make decisions about their use. I am always looking for new innovations and developments in digital tools that can apply to my role, and across my organisation (e.g. in artificial intelligence or robotics).

Supports the promotion of digital inclusion and flexibility for accessing services

                            Level 1                              Level 2                                Level 3

I understand what digital inclusion is and how being digitally excluded can impact people's ability to access health and social care services when non-digital options are not available. Where appropriate, I am able to support people, including colleagues, who might be digitally excluded to find information and access services.

I have a good understanding of the barriers people can face when accessing digital services. Where appropriate I can take a person-centred approach to working with people to address and overcome challenges.

I am a champion for digital inclusion. I recognise and escalate situations where existing services negatively impact those who are digitally excluded, and I actively contribute towards the design of digitally inclusive services and ensure that both digital and non-digital options are available.


Access the Innovation & Service Improvement page of the Digital and Data Resource Hub where you'll find relevant guidance and learning activities. 

How to use the Framework

Access the How to use the Framework page for more information. 

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