How to use the Framework

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This page describes how the framework is structured and has instructions on how to use it. 

Framework Structure

The framework is made up of 6 Capability Areas applicable to the delivery of health and social care services.

Each Capability Area has a list of Capability Statements which outline a relevant set of skills, knowledge and behaviours. 

Large illustration showing the full Digital and Data Capability Framework. A circle of six coloured hexagons with icons representing six capability areas (Communication; Handling Information & Data; Learning & Development; Identity, Safety & Wellbeing; Innovation & Service Improvement; Using Technology) and listing the capability statements for each area.


For each Capability Statement there are 3 Levels that give specific examples of what you should be able to do and how you should feel, for 3 increasing levels of digital capability. 

Framework illustration highlighting that each of the 6 capability areas has 3 levels of increasing digital capability

~ Level 1 outlines the essential digital skills, knowledge and behaviours everyone working within health and social care needs to evidence in order to do their job and deliver safe, quality health and social care services for all.

~ Level 2 builds on Level 1, developing confidence so that you are independently able to carry out tasks, interested to build your knowledge, and able to identify digital improvement opportunities.

~ Level 3 builds on Level 2, further increasing confidence so that you are able to act on improvement opportunities, champion aspects of digital, support others with their development and advocate for digital transformation. 

How to use the Framework

You should use the framework to review your current levels of digital capability and plan your next steps to further develop your skills, knowledge and behaviour. There are two ways in which you can do this: 

Using the Framework Site

The framework is available to access using this link: The Framework. 

Work through the framework pages following the detailed instructions below. Record your digital capability levels as you go, either noting these yourself or using this downloadable personal record template.


  • Access the framework site where you'll see each of the six capability areas has its own page. You should view each of these, but you can do this in any order and don't have to work through all of them at once. 
  • On each capability area page, you will find details of the capability statements and levels within tables.
  • Read each capability statement and the accompanying levels to decide which level best describes your current skills, knowledge and behaviours.
  • Keep your own note of the levels you chose, or use the downloadable personal record template to do this. 
  • When you are ready to move on to the next capability area, use the links at the bottom of the page to navigate. 
  • Use the guidance on the Taking Action from the Framework page to plan your next steps.

Using the Self-Assessment Tool

The self-assessment tool is available to access using this link: Digital and Data Capability Framework Self Assessment Tool.

The tool is a form that will guide you through the framework to select your current digital capability levels. You'll then receive an email with a record of the levels you chose and links to learning resources. 

Please note it should take around 20-30 minutes to work through the form. It is not possible to save your progress as you go through the form so please make sure you have enough time available before you start


  • Access the self-assessment tool where you'll find a copy of these instructions on the opening page. 
  • The form will guide you through the framework showing you a new capability statement on each page.
  • Read each capability statement and the accompanying levels to decide which level best describes your current skills, knowledge and behaviours, selecting this option in the form. 
  • At the end of the form you will need to enter your email address in order to receive a copy of your self-assessment and links to learning resources relevant to the levels you have selected. This email will come from Dew (Digitally Enabled Workforce).
  • Use the guidance on the Taking Action from the Framework page to plan your next steps.

If there are any terms or phrases in the framework that you aren't sure about please check the Framework Definitions page.