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For Communication, there are 5 Capability Statements:

  • Communicates effectively using digital tools
  • Understands the risks of communicating online and follows appropriate guidelines
  • Creates positive professional connections and networks using social media and digital tools
  • Understands the purpose and function of different digital communication methods within my role 
  • Works effectively with others using digital tools
Capability Statements

Communicates effectively using digital tools

                            Level 1                              Level 2                                Level 3

I am comfortable using one or two digital tools to communicate with colleagues and people who use services in an accurate and straightforward way.

I am happy to use a range of different digital tools to communicate effectively with colleagues, other professionals and people who use services.

I can confidently communicate complex information in different ways using a range of technology and am comfortable exploring new digital communication tools.

Understands the risks of communicating online and follows appropriate guidelines

                            Level 1                              Level 2                                Level 3

I know that communicating online has risks for myself, my organisation and the people we support. I always follow my organisation's rules and policies so I don’t feel worried about communicating online.

I take responsibility for all my online communications (work and personal), fully understand my organisation's online communication rules and policies, and support others to communicate safely online.

I am able to assess, manage and mitigate risks associated with online communication, and guide others to do the same.

Creates positive professional connections and networks using social media and digital tools

                            Level 1                              Level 2                                Level 3

I feel I can contribute positively towards professional networks if necessary and know how to make good connections online.

I am a regular and confident participant in online networks, forums and shared workspaces, and always ensure that my contributions are purposeful and professional.

I can build, develop and manage digital networks, forums and shared workspaces, for purposeful communication and collaboration.

Understands the purpose and function of different digital communication methods within my role 

                            Level 1                              Level 2                                Level 3

I know that there are different ways of communicating online using digital tools and I understand the different purposes they can be used for.

I am able to use a range of digital communication methods for different purposes and adapt my communication style so that it suits the situation and the audience.

I can confidently communicate and collaborate digitally using a wide range of appropriate methods and tools, always adapting my communication style and content to suit the intended audience.

Works effectively with others using digital tools

                            Level 1                              Level 2                                Level 3

I can use some digital tools to work with my colleagues (e.g. finding and editing a document that has been shared with me) but I may need some help to do more complex tasks.

I can collaborate with colleagues and other professionals online using a range of digital tools (e.g. creating, finding and editing shared versions of documents).

I initiate and manage digital collaboration using a wide range of document sharing and cloud storage tools to work together and ensure shared goals are met.


Access the Communication page of the Digital and Data Resource Hub where you'll find relevant guidance and learning activities. 

How to use the Framework

Access the How to use the Framework page for more information. 

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