Handling Information & Data

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For Handling Information & Data, there are 3 Capability Statements:

  • Able to safely collect, store and share information and data
  • Able to find, evaluate and use information and data
  • Understands and follows legislation and organisational policies that ensure information and data is handled securely and ethically 
Capability Statements

Able to safely collect, store and share information and data 

                            Level 1                              Level 2                                Level 3

I know it is important that information and data are handled carefully and that I must be cautious when sharing. I always ensure information and data I am responsible for is complete, accurate, and up to date.

I can collect and accurately record data that is relevant to my role in secure and efficient ways using the most appropriate systems or tools that are available to me. I always ensure information and data are stored safely and shared appropriately.

I understand the value of data and the importance of data integrity.  I can provide leadership and guidance on the effective collection and storage of data using a range of different technologies. I also have good knowledge of measures that can be taken when sharing data to reduce the risks associated with data breaches and cyber security.

Able to find, evaluate and use information and data 

                            Level 1                              Level 2                                Level 3

I am able to search for and find information and data using digital tools that I am familiar with, and always check that data I am using is as complete as possible.  I can understand straightforward tables, charts and graphs.

I am confident working with the information and data that I need to do my job. I am able to find data using a range of digital tools, evaluating it to ensure it is accurate, current and relevant.  I can extract, share or present data in different formats, as required.

I can find, interpret and evaluate information and data from multiple different sources, manipulating and cleansing it as required.  I use data to solve problems, make informed decisions and drive change relevant to my role. I am proactive in the adoption of innovative new ways to utilise or securely share data.

Understands and follows legislation and organisational policies that ensure information and data is handled securely and ethically 

                            Level 1                              Level 2                                Level 3

I know there are limitations on how information and data can be used or shared, and that there are laws that have to be followed, e.g. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). I am confident I can access my organisation’s data protection policies and always follow these.

I understand the importance of using information and data securely and ethically and am aware of the risks of not doing so. I have a good understanding of the laws, policies and guidelines in place to protect information and data, and I’m confident I adhere to these.

I am able to confidently use information and data in a legal, secure and ethical way, and ensure that colleagues do the same for their own and the organisation's benefit and security. I fully understand the risks associated with data protection and always act on or escalate breaches if they occur.


Access the Handling Information & Data page of the Digital and Data Resource Hub where you'll find relevant guidance and learning activities. 

How to use the Framework

Access the How to use the Framework page for more information. 

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