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Resources for leaders to support understanding and knowledge for leading in the digital age.

Key Strategies and Reports
  • Summary of the results of the digital maturity survey of NHS Health Boards, Health and Social Care Partnerships (HSCPs), and local authorities in Scotland for 2023.

  • The Topol Review outlined recommendations to ensure the NHS is the world leader in using digital technologies to benefit patients. It will involve implementing technologies such as genomics, digital medicine, artificial intelligence and robotics...

  • Our Strategy marks a new chapter in Scotland’s relationship with artificial intelligence. It is the result of an extensive consultation and engagement programme involving academia, industry, the public sector and the people of Scotland.

Must Reads
Questions for Boards
Short Videos | What do I need to know about...

Digital Mindset

Hear about the importance of leaders adopting a digital mindset from Richard McCallum, Stephen Gallagher and Lorraine McMillan.


Non-Executive Perspective

Hear from Angus McCann about the potential of digital approaches to build more sustainable services and the benefits of applying a digital mindset. 


Third Sector Perspective

Hear from Bob Cowie about people-led rather than technology-led approaches to reimagining services.



Artificial Intelligence

Hear from Sue Turner OBE of AI Governance about why Boards should be thinking about AI.



Near Me

Hear  the key messages for Boards to consider about the transformative potential of Near Me from Marc Beswick.


Digital Mental Health

Hear from Chris Wright about the integral role of digital in Scotland's new Mental Health Strategy.



Hear from George Crooks, CEO of the Digital Health and Care Innovation Centre, as to how personas can be used in as a tool for user-centred service design.

Digital Inclusion

Hear from Eilidh McLaughlin, Head of Digital Citizen Unit at Scottish Government, as to why Boards need to be considering digital inclusion as part of digital transformation.

Connect Me

Morag Hearty explains the context behind the Connect Me programme and how this is benefitting people. You can also find out more on the Connect Me site 

Using Data to Transform

David Wylie, formerly Head of Podiatry at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and Associate Director NMAHP at NES, demonstrates how data can be used to transform services and maximise resources. 

Workforce | Digital Skills Programmes and Networks
Digital and Data Capability Framework

Digital and Data Capability Framework 

This framework identifies the digital skills, knowledge, and behaviours the workforce needs to do their job and deliver safe and good quality care and support. The associated Self-Assessment Tool offers an interactive way to work through the Digital and Data Capability Framework to review your and your teams' current levels of digital capability. 


Scottish Digital Health and Care Network 

Teams community for collaboration in the digital health and care space, if you would like to join and the link does not work, please contact

Digital Leaders Network

This network exists to support people who are current or aspiring leaders with an interest or remit in how digital can drive service improvements and transformation - it aims to be an inclusive discussion space for peer learning, support, training opportunities and events aimed at growing digital leadership capability across the sector. 

Digital Health and Care Leadership Programme (DLP) 

Leadership programme aimed at current and aspiring mid-level leaders across the health and care workforce. Participation requires the identification and delivery of a digital improvement project in the participant's organisation. 

Leading Digital Transformation in Health and Care for Scotland [PGCert, PGDip, MSc]

Postgraduate programme aimed at senior level current and future leaders to enable them to drive, deliver and embed digital transformation across Scotland’s health and care services. 

Digital Learning Pathways

Pathways intended to help you as an individual build your understanding of the role of digital in health and social care. By working through the pathways you will be challenged to think about what you know and your understanding of working with a digital mindset. Drive and Shape pathways are particularly relevant to senior leaders. 

DIgital Office - Scottish Local Government

Programmes and resources for Scotland’s local authorities to help deliver a digital first approach that enables councils to provide better services to their citizens. 

Digital Leadership Webinar Series

Webinar series aimed at current and aspiring leaders at all levels with an interest in digital. 

Digital Academy

Learning programmes and resources for public and third sector staff to build digital skills and talent.

SCVO Digital Training and Events

Support for organisations in the voluntary sector including training, events and learning.

Service Design and Scottish Standard

The vision for the Scottish Approach to Service Design is that the people of Scotland are supported and empowered to actively participate in the definition, design and delivery of their public services (from policy making to live service improvement). You can access the approach here

The Digital Scotland Service Standard aims to make sure that services in Scotland are continually improving and that users are always the focus.

Case Studies

Read about different examples of digital done well.

Blackwood Homes and Care

Blackwood Homes and Care's Peoplehood Project's ambition is to co-create beautiful places for independent living that offer what people need to live healthier and happier for longer and to ask questions, co-design and test new ideas with real people to learn what it really takes to develop thriving, healthy neighbourhoods of the future. You can read more here.

NHS Grampian

The GRACE (Grampian’s Radiology Assisted Chest x-ray Evaluation) project sees an innovative prioritisation and decision support tool, driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI), being evaluated in radiology departments, emergency departments and acute medical assessment units across NHS Grampian. You can read more here. 

Further Reading
Digital Mindset

These short videos capture what it means to have a digital mindset and lead digitally enabled organisations.

Digital Leadership vs Digital Transformation

"We need to get as good at digital leadership as we are at creating and applying digital technology. If our new, digitally enabled world is going to be a better place than the analogue one we are leaving then we can’t focus on technology and ignore the humans. Digital transformation is about fundamental changes needed in our organisations where we work, the society where we live, and, perhaps less obviously, in the nature of the leaders and leadership we need."


The Digital Mindset

"If we all needed an MBA to use Facebook, it wouldn't have 2 billion users. In this vlog, Grant explains that getting to grips with digital is not about understanding technology, it's about having a new way of thinking."

Three Steps Towards Developing a Digital Mindset

"Companies need to rethink their strategies to include a digital component, says IESE Prof. Sandra Sieber. This means they need to develop a digital mindset but it also calls for leaders who are capable of adapting to the situation depending on the evolution of the business model. To do this they need supportive structures and processes."


Why digital transformation has little to do with technology!

"Exponential computing power and intelligent algorithms drive human productivity into another dimension and new technologies disrupt long established business models before lunch. How come only a small digital elite sees the potential while the majority of people is either afraid, ignorant or overconfident when it comes to our the digital future?"