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Drive builds on the content of previous pathways and focuses on how the concepts raised in Embed can be threaded through ways of working to drive cultural change in organisations. This pathway is for everyone, but especially for anyone involved in leading and influencing change across services and organisations (e.g. senior managers, service or programme leads).

If you aren't sure you understand any of the content, jump back to the Embed pathway and use the resources there to develop your knowledge before carrying on.

Step 1 – Leading Digital Transformation
Finger touching an illuminated square on a screen.

To start thinking about leading digital transformation, listen to Episode 11 of the Being a Digital Leader - the Good, Bad and Ugly of Digital Transformation podcast series.

In this podcast Kes Juskowiak, Transformation Director at Scottish Water, discusses his own experiences of this topic.

While you're listening, it might be helpful to note down the practical advice shared:


In the podcast Kes shares examples of successful digital transformation projects, and times when things didn't work so well. Thinking now about your own experiences of digital transformation:

  • When has digital transformation been successful? When has it not? 
  • What lessons have you learnt from these experiences? What would you do differently next time?

Consider what you have heard about the building blocks of a successful transformation journey. How can you use this information, combined with your own experiences, to initiate or enhance conversations about digital transformation within your organisation? 

What practical steps can you take to ensure your team or own organisation are fully ready for digital transformation?

Step 2 – Driving Digital Engagement

For successful digital transformation, we need to consider how to engage staff in digital ways of working.

To explore this topic further, read through this online article:

Link: Unlocking Digital Potential: 5 Strategies for Boosting Staff Engagement with Digital Skills 


The article mentions that time, capacity, lack of confidence, and resistance can be possible challenges to engaging others with digital. 

  • To what extent to you think these challenges apply in your team or own organisation?
  • What other potential barriers to digital engagement are you aware of?
Six people gathered together using different devices.

For each of the 5 strategies for encouraging engagement with digital skills in the article, work with other leaders in your organisation to develop an action plan with realistic goals and timescales. Think about how you can use the suggestions in the article to support these discussions.

Look for opportunities to talk about your action plan and associated activities with others from across your sector. Try to learn from what they are doing and incorporate examples of best practice into your own plans and actions.

Step 3 - Organisational Digital Maturity

The phrase ‘digital maturity’ describes an organisational culture that is able to adapt and evolve to the opportunities and challenges of a digitally changing environment. 

Before we delve into this topic further, what do you know about the digital maturity of your own organisation?

The Scottish Government and COSLA have developed a Health and Social Care Digital Maturity Assessment. Read through the most recent summary of findings from 2023 using the link below:

Link: Digital Maturity Assessment for Health and Social Care 2023

Having read the summary, how do you think the findings align with the digital maturity of your own organisation?
Fingers touching a cloud icon within a network of linked icons.
Do you know if your own organisation currently undertakes a digital maturity assessment? If you’re not sure, could you find out who leads on digital maturity in your organisation and discuss this with them?
  • If your organisation does currently undertake a digital maturity assessment, based on your most recent results, what can you and your senior colleagues do to support progression towards higher levels of digital maturity? 
  • If your organisation hasn’t completed a digital maturity assessment, what could you do to make this happen?
Step 4 – Data-driven Health and Social Care

As set out in their 2023 Data Strategy for Health and Social Care, the Scottish Government have a vision to ‘improve the care and wellbeing of people in Scotland by making best use of data in the design and delivery of services’.

Two people sat at a desk looking at printed data with a laptop each.

When used effectively, data collected by health and social care organisations has the potential to save time and money that can be put back into care delivery.

Reflect on the current use of data across your own team or organisation:

  • What do you think is currently done well?
  • What do you think could be improved? Are there opportunities where data isn't currently being used?
The tool linked below covers practical solutions to help change how your organisation uses data and how to engage others in this process. 
Work through the steps in the tool, taking note of any actions you could apply in your own team or organisation. Discuss these at your team meeting and agree a plan for improving the use of data. 

Link: Steps to improving services through better use of data 

Step 5 – Developing as a Digital Leader

This step builds on what you have previously learnt in Embed about becoming a digital leader.


The recorded webinar (49m 41s) on the right covers what it means to be a digital leader. 

It looks at this from the perspectives of current digital leaders from across the health and social care sector.


In the webinar the panel talk about spotting key opportunities, which are often only small concepts that can have a significant impact when scaled. Reflect on the digital opportunities across your own organisation and consider which of these excite you most.

  • What ideas have you got that could make a difference in these areas?
The panel also discuss how they have embraced, and even created, opportunities to influence their organisation’s approach to digital. Think about this from your own perspective:
  • How can you influence your organisation’s approach in relation to the opportunities and ideas that you have identified?
What next?

You have now completed the Drive pathway. 


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