Find out more about projects involving group work with patients/service users/citizens delivered on virtual platforms.
Find out more about projects involving group work with patients/service users/citizens delivered on virtual platforms.
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Networking between all 3 sites, all members of each IBD team will be involved in Group Medication Education Counselling sessions - via near me, for patient's starting new advanced oral therapies for IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) by March 2024.
Networking between all 3 sites, all members of each IBD team will be involved in Group Medicine Education Sessions – via Near Me, for patients’ starting advanced oral therapies for IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) by April 2024.
The aim of the project was to scope and benchmark options to bring a current face to face group service offering onto a digital platform within the Occupational Therapy, Children & Young People Service. Throughout the DLP it became evident that...
The project focuses on embedding the use of Near Me Groups as part of service delivery within NHS Lanarkshire Adult Mental Health services. It involves the development of a rolling programme of Psychology groups, increasing access for people in...
During the last 9 months I have been able to expand by digital knowledge and made more aware of many of the different aspects that digital technology plays in improving healthcare. I thoroughly enjoyed working as part of a team of individuals from...
The aim of the project was to Establish, evaluate and refine the digital group offering of the Lanarkshire Mental health Occupational Therapy service. During the DLP our existing pilot programme was migrated from the NVCS to the Near Me platform....
My project was to transfer a face to face group pre covid to a digital group post covid. The group is an educational group for carers of people living with a dementia under 65 years of age for Stress and Distress. We cover north and south...
As with everyone else, pre covid we ran things differently and all our groups were face to face. As restrictions came into place we had to review a variety of digital platforms to enable us to continue holding groups. The one platform which...
Cohort 15 - Diabetes Group Education Pilot - Control It Plus -Gillian Mackay and Lesley Clazey
My initial project was to work with the NHS Forth Valley Keepwell team to better integrate the use of Florence remote health monitoring for blood pressure diagnosis. However, with the arrival of COVID-19, changes to our work—redeployment of...
For my DMAHP’s Cohort-14 end of course evaluation I have decided to write a blog as I feel this provides a more thorough perspective of my journey throughout this programme. I currently work as a Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy team lead in NHS...