Welcome to the Scottish Infection Prevention and Control Education Pathway - Intermediate layer.
The principles in the intermediate layer relate to the application of knowledge into practice and motivation of staff.
All learning resources on this site are free to use.
The intermediate layer provides resources to:
The resources cover a variety of topical areas as shown below.
Visit the Patient Safety Zone to find background information on patient safety and its importance in healthcare improvement, tools and techniques for checking safety issues, implementing care practices and dealing with incidents and educational resources including publications, websites, initiatives and training offered by NHS Education for Scotland.
Visit NES Leadership and Management Zone to find education resources on interpersonal skills.
Please note that you must be logged in to Turas Learn to access this resource.
A range of education resources are available from the Clinical Skills Managed Educational Network (CSMen) to support excellent in clinical skills education and improve patient safety and clinical outcomes.
Human Factors (Ergonomics) is the study of human activity (inside and outside of work). Its purpose as a scientific discipline is to enhance wellbeing and performance of individuals and organisations.
Access Human Factors education resources, including an introductory eLearning module.
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