The Patient Safety Zone provides information and resources to support health care workers with experience at all levels to develop their knowledge and understanding of patient safety issues.
In the Patient Safety Zone you will find:
• Tools and techniques to identify potential clinical safety issues and implement safety improvements for clinical incidents
• Educational resources including publications, websites, initiatives and training offered by NHS Education for Scotland
Click on the buttons to find resources
Three 'Quality Ambitions' (Person-Centred, Safe and Effective) provide the focus for everything NHSScotland does in its aim to deliver the best quality healthcare to the people of Scotland and, through this, make NHSScotland a world leader in healthcare quality.
While things going wrong in healthcare are not uncommon (international evidence highlights adverse events are reported in approximately one in ten hospital patients and one to two percent of primary care consultations), successful clinical outcomes are obviously the norm in the vast majority of care provided.
Health Care Associated Infections - The HAI education team is responsible for providing educational resources to support health and social care staff working in acute, community, care home/residential housing and care at home services in Scotland with educational courses on Infection Prevention and Control.