Aseptic technique

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The application of Aseptic Technique is central to reducing HAI's and is vital in preventing infection associated with invasive devices within the hospital and community setting.

The Aseptic Technique e-learning programme consists of 7 modules. Module one The Principles of Aseptic Technique should be completed first. Learners can then self-select the remaining modules relevant to their role and learning need.

Please note you must log in to Turas to view any elearning modules below. This account is the same as your Turas Appraisal account. If you do not have an account then please register for a free Turas account. Once logged in, select the module titles for further information. Important for NHS Board staff: Please check with your line manager where you should complete any SIPCEP eLearning.

The elearning modules available are:

  • Aseptic technique 1 : principles of aseptic technique
  • Aseptic technique 2 : insertion of a peripheral vascular catheter
  • Aseptic technique 3 : taking a blood culture sample
  • Aseptic technique 4 : inserting an indwelling urethral catheter
  • Aseptic technique 5 : applying aseptic technique when carrying out wound care
  • Aseptic technique 6 : long term central vascular access devices
  • Aseptic technique 7 : management of arteriovenous fistula (AVF)
eLearning modules

Module 1: Principles of Aseptic Technique. To be completed first.

Modules 2 - 7. Can be completed based on role or learning need.

Supporting learning resources
Learners resources

Aseptic Technique pocket guides

Download the guidance of the following procedure:

Last updated March 2022