Please check out the Keep antibiotics working: 5 key messages which is a resource for health and social care staff outlining key messages on keeping antibiotics working, with a focus on what, why, who, how and where.
We have a range of education resources to support staff involved in the prescribing and stewardship of antibiotics. Please select the resource from the list below.
Please note the Antimicrobials in clinical practice resources are currently under review. They will be made available again once the review process is complete.
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Six very brief modules / clinical scenarios on managing patients with infection in hospital and community settings:
- Introduction (20 mins)
- Presentation of a sore throat in a community setting (10 mins)
- Presentation of surgical site infection (10 mins)
- Presentation of a suspected community acquired pneumonia (CAP) (30 mins)
- Earache in a young child (10 mins)
- Sticky eyes in a young child (10 mins)
Introductory modules (20-40 mins) and a range of very short practice scenarios (e.g. “renal deterioration” or “no creatinine” (5-10 mins) with feedback.
- Gentamicin : Hartford Guidance
- Gentamicin : GGC Guidance
- Vancomycin : Continuous Infusion
- Vancomycin : Intermittent Infusion
- Introductory video (3 mins)
- Pre-resource self-reflection activity (3 mins)
- PDF document including activities (c. 60 mins)
- Post-resource self-reflection activity (3 mins)
GermBugs is a resource specifically designed for medical students to make learning microbiology easy.
Access the external microbiology resources for medical students using the page GermBugs : TiME: Technology in Medical Education (leeds.ac.uk)
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Resources (PPT slides and PDF files) to support facilitation of practical sessions for hospital staff
- Support pack
- Awarness video
- Toolkits
- Audit tools
Aimed at GP practices, toolkit to help support a reduction in unnecessary antibiotic prescribing in primary care’. Educational materials to support delivery of facilitated learning sessions
- Support pack
- Toolkits
- Audit tools and decision aids
- Good practice examples
- Supplementary learning and information