NES delivers the taught element of this training, with the practical element taking place in the participant’s health board with a PDS dentist as a mentor. To see more detail please view the Training Model
You must be nominated by your health board for this training. You cannot apply for a place on this course directly to NES. If you are interested, please make enquiries to your health board, who will advise you of the application and selection process.
The process for the designation of an Enhanced Skills Practitioner - Dom Care and remuneration is detailed in the Scottish Government circular
'We face particular challenges in ensuring that residents of care homes also continue to receive regular effective dental care.'
'We intend to develop an accreditation scheme for GDPs with the necessary skills and equipment to see patients in care homes. These practitioners and their teams would work with care home staff to ensure adequate preventive care is in place for residents, complementing the PDS, which will continue to provide those procedures that cannot readily be done by a GDP. With the increasing numbers of people living in care homes it will be necessary to ensure the PDS are only used for patients requiring their advanced skills.'
Scottish Government, 2018.