Organisational and Corporate Improvement
Aim - To increase the agile use of Skype for Business. Increasing the total number of Active Users in NHS Health Scotland from 38.3% to 75% through positive cultural change by January 2018.
Aim - 50% of 2222 calls in Ayr Hospital will be followed by a team debrief utilising a debrief tool by June 2018
Aim - From October 2017 – April 2018, 12 social work practitioners will complete genograms on 80% of all newly allocated cases.
Aim: Increase average use of the online learning network by 20% by March 2018 to maximise knowledge exchange and share learning real-time.
Aim: To increase attendance at PMVA refresher training by nursing staff within the State Hospital to 95% by 1 April 2018.
AIM: 75% of participants in Breathing Apparatus Refresher training will complete feedback forms by December 2019.
To increase the number of rapid improvement projects started in the Scottish Ambulance Service to 4 per month by March 31st 2018.
Aim: By March 2018 inspectors in Adults Inspection Team 5 will complete a Short Observational Framework for Inspection (SOFI 2) during inspections in care homes for older people from 60% of inspections to 98% of inspections.
By end September 2018, 80% of staff in Planning and Quality Division will rate joy in work as 8 out of 10 or above.
Aim To increase on-line Yammer activity and membership by 50% by October 2018.
By December 2018, we will be able to effectively evidence a 40% increase (from 30% to 70%) of completion of individual learning actions identified from stage 1 and stage 2 complaints investigations within our KPI of 14 working days.
This improvement project aims to create a sustainable process for the delivery of clinical supervision and reflection along with an environment that encourages nursing to participate in a meaningful way.
By November 2018 90% of Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professional Staff working within Healthcare Improvement Scotland will be actively engaged with the NMAHP Directorate in the provision of key information regarding their role,...
By 30th November 2018 95% of staff will feel safe on a daily basis working in Radernie Low secure Unit
To reduce the number of individual Phlebotomy weekend bloods ordered on patients in an acute Medical Ward to an average of 66 per weekend, by December 1st 2018, through the development of a new systematic approach to blood ordering.
To use the Health & Care (H&C) number for group & hold blood sampling in the Children’s Haematology Unit 95% of the time by June 2018.
To increase the number of Safety Quality Visits (SQV’s) within the Unscheduled & Acute Care Directorate (U&AC) to 4 per month and undertaken by members of the Divisions’ leadership team by 30th April 2018.
By April 2018, the key learning points from 75% Leadership Walk Rounds (renamed as Safety, Quality Visits, SQV) in Unscheduled and Acute Care Directorate (UAC) and those undertaken by two directors will be available at local governance meetings...
To improve the perceived quality of email subject headings, received by the Divisional Senior Management Team, from a baseline of 60 on a 0 to 100 Likert scale, by 5% by May 2018.
To reduce the number of non-clinically indicated Haemoglobin (Hb) tests taken 8 hours post-procedure in the orthopaedic ERU by 50% by March 2018
Aim: By January 2019 the CNPA will assess, investigate and respond to 90% of outdoor access enforcement complaints within 10 working days.
Aim: Improving the service for the service users of Citizens’ Services in Thisted. For the improvement project, we specifically focus on waiting time and aim at reducing the number of service users at the city hall in Thisted who wait more than 15...
Aim: To reduce the average application timescale to under 4 months to increase Paramedic appointment numbers by December 2018.
Aim: To develop a systematic process for co-interpretation of available intelligence in an integrated, multi-agency and collaborative system that will identify local priorities for locality plans.
Aim: One team in South Glasgow aims to increase by 11% to 22% the number of families who are homeless to be provided with permanent tenancies within 3 months of presentation by December 2018.
Aim: Build capability and increase confidence by 50% of Occupational Therapy staff at Biggart Hospital to engage in QI activity by 31st December 2018.
Aim: To measurably improve the customer satisfaction (to a customer satisfaction level 4 (satisfied) or above) of three core internal stakeholders for the Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS) project. This will be completed...
Aim: By the end of March 2019, 95% of referrals to the Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership (ACHSP) Adult Protection Unit will have been Screened by a Care Management or Social Work Senior within 3 days of receipt.
Aim: By March 2019 80% (approx. 55) of NHS Tayside Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) clinical staff will actively communicate* in quality improvement (Q.I.)
Aim: By June 2019, 50% of all Prosthetic and Orthotic clinical staff (n:16) based at the South-East Mobility and Rehabilitation Technology (SMART) Centre, NHS Lothian, will report supervision support their day to day work and feeling of wellbeing...
Aim: Increase the number of video consultations for Haematology review appointments to 20% by May 2019.
Aim: By August 2019, improved interactions with others (e.g. own team) will be reported by 90% of NHS Health Scotland staff who have completed Insights Discovery Training.
Aim: By June 2019 there will be an increase of 30% from baseline in the average monthly Evidence and Evaluation for Improvement Team web page views (from 59 page views to 87)
Aim: By October 2019 Achieve 3 Hours Personal Learning Time For All Administration Staff.
Aim: By 31st May 2019 there will be a 50% reduction in the time taken for survey team to complete the National Day of Care Survey at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary. This will enable staff to redirect their time saved to spend on direct patient care.
Aim: 60% of pre-registration nursing students from University of the West of Scotland in the Larkfield Unit, Inverclyde Royal Hospital will complete feedback on their practice learning environment by June 2019.
AIM: The application of the weekly Annual Leave allocation, to achieve the Predictable Absence Allowance (PAA) of 14.5% will improve by 50%, within ward 20, Hairmyres Hospital, by May 2019.
Aim: To increase the knowledge & understanding of the Assistant Programme Advisor’s in the Triangulation Process by 50% by May 2019.
Aim: By May 2019, 90% of Community Children’s & Children’s Specialist Nursing staff in a NHS Scotland Board will engage with workforce planning activities.
Aim – By June 2020 response rates regarding customer satisfaction will increase from 6% to 20%
Aim - By December 2019 Initial Assessments transferred to Family Intervention Teams, for Family Support will identify and evidence risk of harm and safety to inform decisions and recommendations regarding next steps for Family Support Pathway.
To improve the degree to which staff feel supported through supervision in William Street by 80% by 31st December 2019.
To reduce the time taken to respond to NISCC Alerts from 20.8 days to 3 days by February 2020.
By January 2020, the number of Care Provider invoices being processed and paid by AHSCP will be paid within the agreed timeframe in 90% of cases. The aim of this project is to ensure the invoice process is streamlined, efficient, fit for purpose...
To achieve a 10% increase in Video Consultations for patients registered at Ardach Health Centre between June and December 2019
Increase the percentage of people who report that they are applying Quality Improvement (QI) knowledge in Shetland, following Scottish Improvement Foundation Skills (SIFS) training, from 47% to at least 65% by September 2020, in line with the...
to increase awareness of SG2020 change platform from 40% to 50% by 31 December 2019.
By February 2020 young people (12-25) currently supported by Perth and Kinross Council’s Services for Young People team will make an average of 2 statements per week using Mind of my own.
By December 2019, the Scottish Government will respond to 95% of FOI requests within 20 working days
To increase overall PECOS user confidence within Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) from 55% to 80% by March 2020.
Increase number of colleagues reporting they ‘always’ or ‘mostly’ take a break from 44% to 70%, by October 2020
By January 2020 we will increase our monthly followers on twitter to achieve a 50% increase in total followers. (baseline 110 @ April 2019)
To have 95% of patients target oxygen saturation (SaO²) correctly identified and documented in Acute Receiving Unit 1 (ARU1), Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow by April 2020
Reduce average time to respond to applicants from 50 to 30 days by 31 March 2020
To ensure 100% of Somerset County Council's Senior Leadership Team (SLT) meetings contain at least 30 minutes of strategic conversation by April 2020.
By April 2020, 80% of our test cohort of 6 Advisers should report improved understanding of their role in the verification of CPD.
By April 2020, the number of P1-3 pupils participating in Ladyloan Primary School's Active Schools extra-curricular activity clubs will increase from 19 to 50%.
90% of all posts requiring to be graded will be job evaluated within 20 days
By May 2020 there will be a 50% reduction in non-beneficial interventions carried out on patients in the last 24 hours of life.
By May 2020, 90% of Mental Health policy and or guidance documents tabled at the Mental health Quality and clinical governance group will have approval and agreement for distribution recorded electronically prior to the meeting.
A pilot programme to improve the Scottish Government’s understanding of how best to engage with young people to ensure we truly capture their lived experience and their voices in a supportive way that suits their needs and perspectives and how a...
Introducing home test kits for Covid-19 pre-procedural testing
Raising the profile of the Maternity and Children Quality Improvement Collaborative through Twitter
Reducing the time taken for key management information reports to be available within Children’s Hearings Scotland
Introducing Quality Improvement methodology to support improvement in Early Learning and Childcare services.
This improvement project focussed on ensuring that the right conditions were created to empower young people to co-design what authentic engagement of children and young people in strategic planning would look like, in a complex and time...
Increasing wound care formulary compliance by use of PECOS ordering
Improving team consistency in carrying out quality assurance activity
Spreading Value Management to support clinical, care and finance teams to deliver improved patient outcomes, experience and value.
Implementing complaint statements to support learning and reflection from staff involved
‘Remember to Like, Share, Follow!’ 🙂👍🤣 Increasing engagement with organisational social media
Developing an audit tool which produces quality data and can be used by different health professionals
How To Improve Engagement Of NHS Forth Valley Health Improvement Resource Service (HIRS)
Tackling issues of equity and maximising attainment
Increasing Tutor Confidence Using TEL
Access and participation in Clinical Supervision for NMC & HCPC Registrants within Healthcare Improvement Scotland
The Idea Factory Simply Do Tell Us About It!
Improve the effectiveness staff values within group meetings across the organisation.
Increasing followers for the Housing and Homelessness in Healthcare Portfolio Twitter account
HIS Community Engagement directorate
Closing the attainment gap in Reading at P3
Reducing exclusions for primary school children in Fife living with disadvantage
Improving Joy in Work in Glasgow Division, Carr Gomm
Improving Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner Satisfaction with their Role in NHS 24 Mental Health Hub.
By September 2022, the NES QI team will have a median score of 75% ‘good’ or ‘very good’ Job Satisfaction* through the weekly survey.This feeds into the NES People and OD Strategy: Health and Wellbeing.
By February 2023 all identified children, young people and families within the Braidhurst and Dalziel High School clusters will have access to additional mental health and wellbeing supports within six weeks of being identified.
Enhancing the wrap-around support for NES QI Alumni upon completing a programme
By September 2022 to increase to 50% the number of Allied Health Professional (AHP) staff actively undertaking improvement work who feel supported and confident following completion of the Scottish Improvement Foundation Skills (SIFS) course as...
By November 2022, 60% of service managers using newly established peer support opportunities will have implemented changes to improve outcomes for children within their setting
Raise attainment in numeracy by increasing the percentage of learners, at an identified Clackmannanshire establishment, achieving national expectations at P1, P4 and P7 (combined) by 10pp from 52% (June 2021) to 62% (June 2023).
Increasing the number of 16 and 17 year olds in conflict with the law who are retained in the children’s hearings system rather than prosecuted
Reduce the number of overdue incidents held in the Datix incident reporting system in the top clinical hotspot area to ZERO. The timescale for improvement will be by the end of September 2022.
Increasing team resilience when working in volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) conditions and situations.
Working to build Manager’s knowledge and confidence in using the Model For Improvement to support continuous improvement within services.
Improving alignment and Equity across Renfrewshire Health Visiting Caseloads with the Caseload Weighting Tool.
Attendance Matters
Improving workforce recruitment & retention using a model to plan, attract, train, employ and nurture pre-registration podiatrists (PRP’s).
Improving self-esteem at Bell’s Brae Primary School
Finding ways to ensure the team feel supported, connected and valued as we adjust to a completely different way of working.
By March 2022, for 80% of external facing projects, teams in ihub’s Transformational Redesign Unit (TRU) will have in place agreed draft measurement plans (MPs) based on a project logic model prior to final phase of project set-up.
Standardising Documents within Digital and Security
By March 2023, there will be: 80% quarterly compliance with individual child protection supervision within Airdrie (from 23%) and Clydesdale (from 63%) health visiting teams. 80% quarterly compliance with group child protection supervision within...
Using data to direct improvement activity
Shifting our culture to one focused on good psychological safety- leading to a happier, safer, more stable and sustainable workforce.
Improving data submission through effective engagement with the care home sector to support the Care Inspectorates recommendation to the Scottish Government on the use of an agreed staffing method framework across adult care homes.
Improving the feedback analysis process as part of collecting and reporting public views and experiences within Healthcare Improvement Scotland – Community Engagement.
Reduce time spent on Community Treatment and Care (CTAC) workstream Chronic Disease Monitoring (CDM) data collection appointments within Hamilton Treatment Room Services (TRS) by 25%* over a seven month period from end May 2022 to December 2022 to...
Within a Community Mental Health Team
Promoting peer support and learning for Cohort 1 of the new NES General Practice Nurse (GPN) Education Pathway
Building knowledge and skills within the Healthcare Improvement Scotland Acute Hospital Inspection team
By 31 March 2023, 90% of supervisees will receive supervision every eight weeks, in line with the supervision policy. This improvement is connected to the wider improvement programme across residential childcare