Cohort 19 - Use Near Me Group Consultation platform to host parent workshops within Occupational Therapy, Children & Young People - Gemma Tallieu

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NHS Education for Scotland (NES)

The aim of the project was to scope and benchmark options to bring a current face to face group service offering onto a digital platform within the Occupational Therapy, Children & Young People Service. Throughout the DLP it became evident that Near Me Groups, would be the most suitable platform to use. I recognised the impact of being a non-driver and Lanarkshire being such a large geographical area, could have on families access the support which they required. We aimed to reduce the number of DNA’s within the service, and wanted to explore if a digital offering would help with this. The slowest and most challenging part of this project was to obtain our service Data Protection Impact Assessment and SOP for this new service offering. This is now in place, meaning we can put the project into action.

Publisher: NHS Education for Scotland (NES)

Type: Document

Audience: General audience