Cohort 16 - Young Onset Dementia Service - Della Andrew

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My project was to transfer a face to face group pre covid to a digital group post covid. The group is an educational group for carers of people living with a dementia under 65 years of age for Stress and Distress. We cover north and south Lanarkshire and this gave carers living far out the opportunity to take part in the virtual group. The group was run weekly for 7 weeks for 1 and half hours per week. Much learning has come out of completing this group online for staff. We have lots of evaluations from carers on what their thoughts were and these will be powerful in determining future groups. My experience in this programme has been really useful and inspiring. I have greatly enjoyed the sessions that were planned with speakers and the support sessions with peers.

Publisher: NHS Education for Scotland (NES)

Type: Video

Audience: General audience