ScIL Cohort 18
AIM: The application of the weekly Annual Leave allocation, to achieve the Predictable Absence Allowance (PAA) of 14.5% will improve by 50%, within ward 20, Hairmyres Hospital, by May 2019.
Aim: To increase the knowledge & understanding of the Assistant Programme Advisor’s in the Triangulation Process by 50% by May 2019.
AIM: By June 2019, 80% of patients admitted to Coatbridge Community Nursing Team caseloads will have clinical observations taken and mapped on a NEWS Chart
AIM: By 30th August 2019 40% of patients in an adult in -patient respiratory ward with a Do Not Attempt Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation order will have a Hospital Anticipatory Care Plan.
Aim: By May 2019, 90% of Community Children’s & Children’s Specialist Nursing staff in a NHS Scotland Board will engage with workforce planning activities.
Aim: 95% of eligible patients experience the Welcome Recovery approach during their perioperative journey by May 2019.
Aim: By June 2019 increase capacity within GP Practice service to support GP manageable workload by 30% by introducing the role of Advanced Nurse Practitioner.
Aim: By July 2019, the number of patients admitted to the Older Adult Assessment Unit (OAAU), who meet Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) Frailty Criteria, will have increased by 40% from an average of 15 to 21 patients per week.
AIM: > than 85% of patients admitted or transferred into ward 9 University Hospital Hairmyres will have a Person Centred Care Plan by June 2019
AIM: 90% of patients will have accurate completion of fluid balance charts by April 2019 to improve fluid balance monitoring in Ward 18, University Hospital Wishaw.
Aim: By May 2019 (7 months) 75% of sedated patients having an endoscopic procedure will be discharged within 90 minutes from arrival in Post Recovery to discharge within the Endoscopy Unit, University Hospital Monklands.
AIM: To achieve 80% compliance with Pressure Risk Assessment completion within ward 11 University Hospital Wishaw by June 2019.
AIM: Patients in ward 10 at University Hospital Wishaw, with a newly inserted urinary catheter, will have a 50% reduction in the number of days that the urinary catheter remains insitu.
Aim: By May 2019, 95% of patients in B23 Forth Valley Royal Hospital, presenting with a fractured neck of femur will have an accurately completed preoperative Fluid Balance Chart.
Aim: By June 2019, 90% of patients referred to the Continence Care Service by utilising a single point of contact on discharge from hospital will be given a 2 week review by a Community Product Specialist.
Aim: 60% of pre-registration nursing students from University of the West of Scotland in the Larkfield Unit, Inverclyde Royal Hospital will complete feedback on their practice learning environment by June 2019.
Aim: By June 2019 there will be an 70% reduction in unintended drug omissions in an elective orthopaedic ward in Golden Jubilee National Hospital.
Aim: 95% of patients in a general adult psychiatry acute admission in-patient unit will have care plans that are person centred by May 2019.
Aim: 95% of all new referrals within a CHAS pilot nursing caseload will be offered a Children's Anticipatory Care Plan (CAP) by June 2019.
AIM: By May 2019, 75% of patients admitted to Isla Ward, Whitehills Health & Community Care Centre, Angus, will have a person centred Treatment Escalation Plan in place.
AIM: To reduce the incidence of Acquired Pressure Ulcers in Castle Douglas Hospital by 50% by April 2019.
AIM: By March 2019 ,Over 90% of patients in A11 will have a completed admission risk assessment ‘Prevention of Pressure Injury’ on the day of admission to the ward.
Aim: The electronic Safe care staffing and patient dependency tool will be completed 95% of the time in Ward 120 by May 2019.
AIM: To reduce the Additional Duty Hours requested on E roster by 50% by May 2019 in Ward 109, RIE
AIM: By August 2019 80% of staff in Skye Ward of the State Hospital will have access to their workforce tool outputs
Aim: By August 2019, 50% of patients discharged/transferred from Acute Receiving Unit 1 (ARU 1) in Queen Elizabeth University Hospital will leave via Discharge Lounge (DCL)
Aim: By June 2019, in 1 team identified at Clyde Contact Centre (CCC), all clinical call takers in NHS 24 111 service, will score at least 95% in their monthly call reviews, for the section on appropriate and effective triage, relevant to...
Aim: By 31st May 2019 there will be a 50% reduction in the time taken for survey team to complete the National Day of Care Survey at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary. This will enable staff to redirect their time saved to spend on direct patient care.
Aim: 90% of patients open to a Community Psychiatric Nurse (CPN) in the Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) will have a care plan recorded by March 2019.