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Mental health improvement, and prevention of self-harm and suicide


The resources on this site have been co-produced by NHS Education for Scotland and Public Health Scotland to support the implementation of Scotland’s Public Health Priorities for Mental Health; The Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Workforce Action Plan 2023 and Scotland’s Suicide Prevention Strategy – Creating Hope Together 2022-2032.  

They will support staff across the  health, social care and wider public sector to develop the knowledge and skills needed to promote good mental health and wellbeing across the whole population and to prevent mental ill health, self-harm or suicide. It is also about improving the quality and length of life for people who experience mental ill health and addressing the inequalities people can face.

Mental Health Improvement and Suicide Prevention Knowledge and Skills Framework

The framework identifies the knowledge and skills required across the four levels of practice : informed, skilled, enhanced and specialist. These are based on the nature and frequency of contact staff have with people who may be at risk of, or affected by mental ill health, self-harm or suicide.

You can find more information here : Knowledge and Skills Framework | Turas | Learn (

Learning Resources

Use the navigation bar or icons below to access learning resources at the different levels of practice

Briefing Document

Supporting the Learning Needs of the Scottish Workforce Briefing Document

This briefing provides a summary of the resources developed in partnership by Public Health Scotland (PHS) and NHS Education for Scotland (NES) to support workforce learning needs associated with mental health improvement and the prevention of self-harm and suicide. It is aimed at commissioners, learning and development leads, workforce planners as well as individual staff who are working in all sectors in Scotland.