Masterclasses and Webinars

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Welcome to the latest masterclasses available from The Mental Health Improvement, Self-harm and Suicide Prevention programme at NHS Education for Scotland in partnership with Public Health Scotland. Our latest masterclass recordings are available to view by clicking the links below. 




Since November 2021 we have been delighted to host a series of online masterclasses sessions supporting workforce learning and development across the practice levels of the Mental Health Improvement and Suicide prevention Knowledge and Skills Framework.

So far, the topics covered include:

  • Inequalities in Mental Health in Scotland - Exploring the challenges
  • Scottish Data and Statistics - National Confidential Inquiry  
  • Understanding the Transition from Suicidal Thoughts to Suicidal Acts and the Role of Safety Planning 
  • Recovery in Mental Health
  • What can we do to prevent Suicide in our roles?
  • Time to address 'the causes of the causes': effective suicide prevention requires sound policy interventions.
  • Turning the tide on Mental Health Stigma

If you have suggestions for other master classes that you would find useful around mental health improvement, self-harm and suicide prevention please contact us via email:    We can’t promise we can cover all topics suggested, but we welcome any suggestions to inform our thinking and planning for future events/sessions.  

Inequalities in Mental Health in Scotland - Exploring the challenges - March 14th, 2024