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Welcome to the Leading Excellence in Care (LEiC) Education and Development Framework

The aim of the LEiC Education and Development Framework is to support the implementation of Excellence in Care into practice by providing guidance for the education and development of nursing, midwifery and allied health professions (NMAHP) leaders.

Excellence in Care

Excellence in Care (EiC) is a national approach that aims to provide assurance of a consistent standard of high-quality standard of care for people, no matter where they receive treatment in Scotland.

EiC recognises the unique contribution that nurses, midwives and allied health professionals (NMAHPs) can make to establishing the culture and conditions to provide excellence in care every time people receive care.

The Excellence in Care Framework is based on the premise that to achieve 'excellence in care' all the elements with the framework are inter-dependent, evidence-based and of equal importance.

It is built on four essential requirements identified by the families who contributed to the Vale of Leven Inquiry:

  • person-centredness
  • compassion
  • fundamentals of care and,
  • communication, both verbal and written, with patients, their families and between staff
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You can do this via this Microsoft Form and all submissions are anonymous

LEiC Education and Development Framework Questionnaire

If you have any general comments on the resource, find something that is not working or think somethings is missing please let us know via this link


An icon with a group having a discussion around a table

The LEiC Education and Development Framework has been a collaboration between NHS Education for Scotland and Healthcare Improvement Scotland, Excellence in Care (EIC). We would like to thank all members of the working group for their commitment and engagement to create this resource and the NHS Boards who were involved in the testing. 

If you have any questions about the content in relation to Excellence in Care, please contact or contact your local EiC Board Clinical Lead, by accessing the link embedded within the EiC webpage Excellence in Care (

For any queries about the resource, please contact