Who is the LEiC Education and Development Framework for?

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Whilst the National EiC approach first focused on nurses and midwives there is recognition of the valuable contribution of allied health professionals (AHPs) delivering care as part of the multi-disciplinary team. Plans are in place to enhance EiC to include the contribution of AHP’s, this framework has been designed to include all NMAHP leaders from the outset.

The LEiC Education and Development Framework is for all NMAHPs who are:

  • leaders (or aspiring to the role)
  • line managers/KSF reviewers/NHS Boards & Organisations
  • education providers
Who is the LEiC Education and Development Framework for?
3 practitioners in uniform standing looking at a folder of information

For NMAHP Leaders (and those aspiring to the role in the future) to:

  • guide personal and professional development to foster effective EiC leadership in practice
  • review and identify individual learning/developments against the specific capabilities, key knowledge and skills
  • plan and agree realistic/relevant professional development and learning plans
  • use as a tool for reflective discussion with their line managers and colleagues to continually improve practice
  • identify and access relevant learning resources and development opportunities
  • evidence continuous professional development
  • support revalidation with relevant professional bodies:  NMC Revalidation or HCPC Registration Renewal.


A lead practitioner in the national uniform

For Line Managers/KSF reviewers/NHS Boards & Organisations to:

  • encourage self-­development of NMAHP Leaders, giving them the opportunity to achieve their potential and have their achievements recognised 
  • support the learning and development of their current and future NMAHP Leaders as part of a continuous process of development and succession planning
  • support personal development, knowledge and understanding to deliver the outcomes of EiC
  • consider ways of learning that maximise existing resources and facilitate opportunities for health and social care services to learn together to promote collaborative and integrated working
  • identify appropriate education and training for individuals which will also be relevant and support evidence gathering for professional bodies and annual review
  • nurture a climate where learning and development are integral to service development and. where appropriate, help NMAHP leaders to work towards advanced practice level. 
An icon depicting leadership with a hand holding a circle containing a picture of a mountain top. It is surrounded be icons depicting inspiration, growth, vision and knowledge


For Education Providers to:

  • support learning needs analysis for the NMAHP leader workforce
  • plan and deliver education and training to meet the rapidly changing needs of practitioners
  • identify opportunities for shared, inter-professional learning