This page gives and overview of the PG Cert/PG Dip/MSc Leading Digital Transformation in Health and Care for Scotland.
Please see table below that outlines the compulsory and optional modules.
Participants will join a vibrant learning community, grounded in Scottish roots, to develop a community of skilled people who can improve local, national, and global healthcare.
Edinburgh University's Usher Institute has an extensive track record of delivering innovative health and care leadership training for the Digital, Data, Design and Technology (DDAT) professional workforce, and aspiring in-practice health and care leaders.
Although the programme will be taught online, the existence of a physical hub at the Usher Institute and the Usher Innovation community – a network of health and social care innovators from the public, private and third sector – will generate additional educational opportunities through collaboration, networking events, sharing of resources, and peer feedback on teaching and academic practice.
This approach provides the benefits of a cohort learning and exchanging ideas together and creating a strong sense of community. Participants will also gain from the opportunity to join a mentoring network, providing support, career guidance, cross-institutional relationships and knowledge, skills and expertise.
The aim of this Scotland-led master’s level programme is to provide students with the necessary skills and competencies to lead digital transformation across the health, social care, social work and housing sector in Scotland.
The programme learning outcomes include: