Cohort 1: Update

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We formally launch the first Scotland-focused master’s level leadership programme within digital transformation and welcome participants on their learning journey in 2023.

We were delighted to see representation from across the sector within the programme and are thrilled to see individuals go through the programme as part of their personal development and excited to watch how the learning was applied operationally within organisations.

Launch Event March 2023

The launch event for Cohort 1 of the postgraduate programme 'Leading Digital Transformation in Health and Care for Scotland' took place on 21 March 2023 and was attended by a range of guest speakers and senior leaders. This learning event set the scene of the programme, provided perspectives into digital health and care developments in four European countries and afforded participants the opportunity to meet with their peer support group and network with other peers, academic staff, subject matter experts and senior leaders.

Launch Event Image
Launch Event Image
Launch Event Image
Participant feedback and impact

Feedback was taken from participant at the end of each course (module) in year 1. Participant quotes included:

“My participation on the course has allowed me to strategically inform our 5-year strategy which has recently launched, not only is this ambitious but it takes the full organisation on the journey, every department, every staff member, and every [service user].”

“I have become more involved in influencing other digital programmes and projects as part of the bigger picture.”

“[I’ve gained] realisation of how far away our organisation is from being digitally mature and the potential for digital to fundamentally change how health and social care operates.”

“This course has made me think about the bigger picture of digital transformation within my organisation. I now incorporate this into my day-to-day decision making.”

After just the first course, when participants were asked to what extent the programme so far had equipped them to take on more senior digital leadership responsibilities or duties, 26% said Significantly, and 60% said Somewhat.

Celebration and Impact Event June 2024

The PGCert Year 1 completed in June with a celebration and impact event held at the Playfair Building, Edinburgh University. This was attended by participants, their executive sponsors and senior people from across the health, social care and housing sector. 

The keynote was delivered by John Halamka, President of the Mayo Clinic Platform, USA.

Impact Event 1
Impact Event 2
Impact Event 3
Executive sponsor feedback

In response to being asked to describe the impact the new skills and knowledge gained by participants were having on their organisation, what had specifically changed within their organisation, or any general feedback about the programme:

“This was a ground breaking approach to bring people from across sectors together all with the common goal of improving knowledge and skill as digital leaders. The number of man hours committed to developing this programme… would be wasted if we did not continue. It will take several cohorts to make a big difference, but the difference will have longevity… In my view it will not realise its non-financial value for a number of years but this is truly worth it and this was never a quick fix.”

“We are currently reviewing our operational processes internally, including how we communicate, store and share information. [The candidate] has brought skills and knowledge to help us mainstream and accelerate our operations.”

“[The participant has brought] Improved understanding of the problems we have, the source of the problems not just the symptoms so a more holistic, user centred approach can be taken.”


Next Steps
Next Steps Image

For this cohort there is now an opportunity to start a PGDip qualification. Year 2 consists of 60 credits of compulsory and elective courses. 

Participants must have met the relevant progression requirements in order to enter Year 2 as stipulated in the Taught Assessment Regulations. They will complete six 10 credits courses over the three terms in year 2 to arrive at a total of 120 credits for the Diploma in Leading Digital Transformation in Health and Care for Scotland.

 There are two compulsory courses which will be delivered in Blocks 1 and 2 these are:

  • Foundations for Design in Health and Social Care
  • Data-Led Decision Making for Service Transformation