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Resources to support health and social care staff, students and volunteers in Scotland with education and training in respect of Infection prevention and control, decontamination of re-usable medical devices (local and endoscopy) and antimicrobial prescribing, management and stewardship.

Resources on this site are frequently updated in line with guidance changes. 
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Infection Prevention and Control Zone

In the Infection Prevention and Control Zone you will find:

  • a range of resources including eLearning modules, guides, workbooks, videos/animations and frameworks
  • tools to support learning and development in relation to infection prevention and control in local care settings and within in-house training provision

All learning resources on this site are free to use.

SIPCEP resources quick finder

Check out the SIPCEP resources quick finder to find the right resources for you. The SIPCEP Resources quick finder provides information on the target audience and types of learning resources available available on the IPC Zone.

What's new?

Visit News and updates page for all the latest announcements and updates

📢 Hand hygiene

The Hand hygiene module and assessment has been fully reviewed and updated. The new version is now live on the Hand hygiene.

📢 Safe disposal of waste

The Safe disposal of waste module and assessment has been fully reviewed and updated. The new version is now live on the Safe disposal of waste.

📢  NES IPC Education Team Newsletter

The January issue of NES IPC Education Team newsletter is now out. The spotlight article is about the Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) and transitioning NES IPC digital resources. Access previous issues in the News and updates page.

📢  Healthcare water and drainage systems

The NES Healthcare built environment team in collaboration with ARHAI Scotland have launched the 2nd animation in the series of healthcare water and drainage systems resources. Access the HBE Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) design considerations of healthcare domestic water and above ground drainage video.


Subscribe to our NES IPC Education Team newsletter to receive the next publication directly in your inbox by completing the registration form. You can also send us an email to to complete your subscription.

What is the Scottish Infection Prevention and Control Education Pathway (SIPCEP)?

A staged pathway of infection prevention and control education for all Scottish health and social care staff and students to enable them to continuously improve their knowledge and skills around infection prevention and control as part of their role.

You can find further help and information on the SIPCEP guidance and support page

The National Infection Prevention and Control Manual and the Care Home Infection Prevention and Control Manual (formerly known as the Infection Prevention and Control Manual for older people and adult care homes) provide national IPC guidance.

SIPCEP layers

The foundation layer comprises education resources covering all 10 Standard Infection Control Precautions and other introductory IPC topics.

The intermediate layer focuses on the application of knowledge and covers a range of topics with resources in a variety of formats.

The improvement layer is aimed at those seeking to develop knowledge and skills in quality improvement relating to infection prevention and control.

Resource feedback

To help us improve our resources, we would like to ask you a few questions about your experience with using our Turas pages today.

This feedback survey will only take a few minutes to complete and your answers will help us improve our future communication and resources.

Thank you!

Alternative formats

If you require this resource to be made available in alternative formats, please email or to discuss how we can best meet your requirements.