These resources are aimed at staff providing care in the community, care homes or in a homely setting.
Please note: This resource was previously titled Preventing Infection in Care at Home but has been renamed to reflect the wide variety of areas where care is delivered in social care settings.
This resource is part of the foundation layer of the Scottish Infection Prevention and Control Education Pathway.
This pocket book should be used in conjunction with the National Infection Prevention and Control Manual. ARHAI Scotland continue to review and update the manual. Always check you are using the latest version.
The content of this resource was updated to align with the content of the Care Home Infection Prevention and Control Manual (CH IPCM) and has been renamed/rebranded as Preventing Infection in Social Care to reflect the diverse areas that care is delivered across community, care home and homely settings.
The pocket book is available for download and print. We no longer provide hard copies. The resource is free to download and/or print.
NES and the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) have been working collaboratively to develop the new preventing infections in social care settings mobile app.
The app is free to download from the Apple and Android stores or by scanning these QR codes.
Alternatively you can also access the content of the app via website:
➤ Right Decisions for Health and Care
This introductory video demonstrates how you can access and use the preventing infections in social care settings mobile app and webpage toolkits, and how they can help your infection prevention and control knowledge.
This video from NES Associate Social Care Director Angella Fulton tells you why the prevention of infection in social care mobile app and webpage toolkits have been developed and how they can help your infection prevention and control knowledge in practice.
We are keen to evaluate the resources and welcome feedback to assess its impact in practice.
This feedback survey will only take a few minutes to complete and your answers will help us improve our future communication and resources.
If you require this resource to be made available in alternative formats, please email HAI@nes.scot.nhs.uk or altformats@nes.scot.nhs.uk to discuss how we can best meet your requirements.